Monday, October 28, 2013

...and I'm back

Not that anyone missed me but I'm back. I took a self imposed hiatus from blogging. Read: I got lazy. That's the truth.

Actually I have been busy. My father in law (FIL) came to visit for about a month so I had to make some adjustments to my schedule and everyday comings and goings to accommodate him. It was a good visit for the most part.

I work from home about 80% of the time and having an extra body to entertain while working has it's trappings. Normally I work right from my couch but needing peace and quiet I had to move my work into my bedroom. At the same time I played good host and would come out and check on him from time to time. Often times I work in shorts and even in my underwear. That definitely had to change.  My FIL being old school probably had this idea that you had to 'show' up for work in order for it to be considered working. Working from home probably didn't seem like I was really working to him. But we live in the age of the nerd, it's right after the age of Aquarius. Working from home is a viable option.

My FIL is the type to stay busy. He can't just sit. I enjoy my silence since I live such a constantly on the go life with the kids. I enjoy just sitting sometimes, it's meditative. My FIL would go out and check the oil on the cars if he had nothing better to do. If we were watching a movie he would ask random questions about the movie just to break the silence. That took getting used to.

I'm still glad he came though. He got to see the kids play in their various sports. It was odd explaining football to him though. He's not a sports guy. He knows cars and tools.

You would think with all my time off from blogging that I've at least been eating clean and exercising. Nope. My FIL is a mean cook. He made dinner quite a bit and none of it was healthy but damn was it good!

Now that he's gone, he's been gone for about a week and a half it's time to get back on the horse. I've been mentally going over my days and trying to plan ahead. Tonight I plan on going for a quick walk just to get the blood flowing again. I plan on walking 3 times this week then start running next week. I need to jump back in to yoga again too.

Last but not least I need to go back to setting goals. This week's goals are:
  • Log my food all week
  • Walk 3 times
  • Clean off the couch in the bedroom that's piled up with folded laundry
So I'm back and hopefully will start blogging more often.

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