Monday, November 4, 2013

Still slumping

I'm still in a slump. I didn't work out at all last week. I'm not sure what it's going to take to get back on track. I did some thinking about it and came up with some possible reasons I'm in this slump.

Reason 1: I'm so awesome. I'm so awesome that I don't want to discourage anyone that's trying to reach their goals by reaching mine while they don't reach their goals. Imagine playing basketball against Michael Jordan. You have no hope to win. Same principle here. I'm the Michael Jordan of blogging and reaching goals.

Reason 2: My goals are too easy to reach. If I reach my goals now what else am I going to do with the rest of my life? I'm that good.

Reason 3: The weather. It's cold here. Who wants to be outside when it's so cold? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Reason 4: I keep making excuses to not do anything with myself. I think this one is most likely to be the root cause. That and my inability to plan anything and use my time wisely are the culprits.

Not one for dwelling on problems I suppose I should fix this. It's Monday so there's no better time than now. I just have to fit my goals in better with my busy schedule with the kids. I know that I'm going to be gone during the evenings at least 4 days a week. On weekends, I know my morning and afternoons are taken with the kids. Knowing all that I HAVE to plan better. I HAVE to make some concrete plans.

Here they are:
  • Monday - walk after dinner
  • Tuesday - yoga
  • Wednesday - yoga
  • Thursday - walk after dinner
  • Friday - yoga
Those are my plans. Now I just have to stick to it. I'm a believer in taking things head on. I think the best way to the other side of a problem is through it. Here I come week.

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