Friday, September 20, 2013

Misinformation, too much information

I know I suck at blogging lately. I've been really busy with work and life.

At work I have a huge project going on that doesn't end until October. It pretty much consumes my everyday work day. The upside is once it's done, I'll go back to be the norm of work. The downside is that I have daily contact with people I normally wouldn't have contact with...and these people can be idiots, alarmists, and generally talk too much.

If you didn't know, I'm a software guy. I make those buttons you click do something magical. Usually I stay pretty far behind the scenes. You have to achieve victory in the lower levels to get to me. I'm like the boss bad guy in a video game only I'm less scary and in 4d. With this project there's a lot of testing involved. They test, I fix. It's supposed to be that simple. Turns out it's not. This week I've had to deal with reports of stuff broken. Guess what? It wasn't broken. The problem is they were trying to test with no valid data. If a report is supposed to capture specific data, you have to have that specific data in the system. Imagine going to a store that's since been closed to buy something. How can you expect to buy something in a store that has no product? After pointing that out they quickly figured it out and they also figured out it wasn't a software issue. In the business we call it an I-D-10-T issue...IDIOT. I can't really blame the users/testers for this. It's a project management issue. Who ever was in charge of the testing should have covered this. It's Testing 101.

On top of this project I'm in the process of interviewing applicants for a few openings at work. That's an arduous task. It sounds simple but it's really time consuming. You have to wade through hundreds of applicants and narrow down the pool. Once you complete that process you have to narrow it even further to those you want to interview. Once you get through interviews you have to narrow further to decide who goes on to round 2. It's a long, drawn out process. We got through the the first round of interviews this week. So what does all that mean? It means I'm in a ton of meetings, interviews, and project happenings everyday. It literally takes up 30 or so hours of my 40 hour week. Good times.

On another note I was at the gas station last night filling up the wife's tank. As I'm getting gas I'm eavesdropping on two ladies' conversation. One lady was talking about how broke she was and how money issues kept piling up. The other lady suggested bankruptcy and said that she and her husband declared bankruptcy. She then proceeded to tell her how it only affects your credit for 2-3 years and after that it drops off your credit report.


Banruptcy is on your credit report for 10 years, not 2-3. Is it an alternative to get out of financial issues? Yes but I don't think it's the best alternative. It's a last resort thing. When you have no choice, do it. Until then you plug away.

Maybe I'm just an eternal optimist. Maybe I'm just more motivated than others. But I can't believe in not having choices. I always feel like there's a way out that's better than the worst. I always feel like things turn out for the best, not by sitting idly by, but by going after what you want. You take from life. Life doesn't give to you otherwise.

Despite life and it being busy, life is nevertheless amazing. Remember that.

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