Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weekend wrapup

I know, it's late. I had all kinds of plans to do my wrap up yesterday but that fell to the way side. I'm starting to think that it's not a good idea since I can't be consistent. It's not like anyone reads my blog anyway! :-)

I did have a great weekend though. I spent most of it ferrying my youngest around to bjj practices. Lately we've been practicing at another academy on weekends on their invite. Let me tell you...it's so much better. It's organized, structured, and disciplined. It's nothing like his current gym. If he hadn't been invited to train up there maybe we wouldn't know any better. When my son first started training as a parent I loved our current gym. It was inviting and had a great atmosphere. It's very family oriented.

But since training on occasion at this new gym, I know better. You can be inviting and have a great atmosphere but still have some order. My son, on his own, decided that he wants to train full time at the new gym. He said, 'I learn so much more here then I do at my normal gym.' Words of a 9 year old. If he can see it then there must be some truth to it. For the amount of money we're paying, we're just not getting enough value. We're just waiting for our contract to run out before we change gyms.

I haven't been eating right and exercising lately. It's fallen to the wayside. I do think about it everyday though. One of the things that makes it tough is my father in law visiting for the next month. That guy can cook but unfortunately it's not the always the healthiest meal. He seems to be blessed with the world's best metabolism. I on the other hand stay true to the saying, 'A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.' I'm the living embodiment of it. If I eat it, the fat will come. He's only been here for a week so we're still settling into a routine. Once we get there I'll hop back on the horse.

Part of me is still trying to find my 'workout rhythm.' I recently canceled my gym membership because I'm not
sure lifting weights is for me. I've tried Crossfit, meh. Not for me either. I did like yoga. I like the stretching and spiritual aspect of it. Between that and running I believe I can get fit. That's my goal, to get fit. My visions of being buff are out the window. Chalk it up to my advanced age. I'm an old man. Let's face it. Healthy and fit are the new buff.

Oh and I've gone back to planning my day. It really helps. I use a planning app on my phone, Wunderlist, that also has a web version. You can add tasks via their website and it will sync to your phone. I've been doing this for the last week and I've successfully completed 11 tasks this week! Being productive feels really good. I feel all accomplished and shit.

So that's my weekend and last few days. I need to keep reminding myself, this is amazing. If you have to ask yourself 'what' is amazing, it's not amazing enough.

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