I'm not going to sit here and say I don't have time to go to the gym, it's open 24 hours. I just don't feel the passion anymore. The love is lost. I'm thinking about trying crossfit in lieu of conventional weight lifting. I have no desire to be big or bulky. I just want to be fit again. Crossfit may be what I'm looking for.
Switching gears.
I hate when people sell my kids short. I work hard to raise my kids to be independent thinkers. An example, when we go out to eat my kids decide what they want and when it's time to order they order their own food. I see parents order for their kids all the time. It's not wrong. It's just not the way I do it. My reason for this is that it teaches my kids to make decisions. It also gives them the opportunity to try new things and explore. I hate when we get a waiter that takes our orders then look at me for the kids' orders. I always tell them to ask the kids for their orders.
So last night we were at bjj practice. Specifically we were at the competition team practice. My son is the youngest one there, in fact many times he's the only kid there. He's that serious about his jiu jitsu. He loves it that much. I felt like the adults talked down to my son. They kind of set him aside and didn't teach him much technique. One adult said, 'Hopefully next time someone your size will be here to practice with you.' The way she said it came off so smug. I'm thinking to myself, 'Roll with him. He's not your average kid on the mat. Do you realize you're talking to one of the best grapplers in the state?' Seriously, he is one of the best grapplers in state.
Give him a chance. See that he's not your average kid on the mat. He wouldn't be here if he wasn't capable. Don't judge him on his size. Judge him on his heart. After all, isn't that the premise of bjj, a martial art predicated on the smaller man being able to take on a bigger man?
Back to today. I have a full plate of things to get done. I'm trying to ride this wave of motivation. Life is good.
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