Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hump Day Rambings

I did yoga last night! I'm actually pretty proud of myself for that. I'm sore now. Thanks yoga! I think
my body just isn't used to doing yoga. For those that haven't ever tried it before, it's a real workout. I literally sweat while doing it. I'm sure my body fat percentage plays a role in it but it really gets my heart rate up.

The ex is starting to fall off again. She went through a 2 week phase of being there for the kids and their activities but now she's a ghost. Typical. She does this from time to time. She's always physically there but when it comes to helping out with the kids she's not always there. She acts more like the weekend parent. You know that parent that only gets the kids every other weekend and always does fun stuff? That. She's taken the kids to the lake twice in the last few weeks, bought two rabbits, but I don't think she's taken the kids school shopping yet. She was even showing up to practice. Maybe she's trying to impress the new boyfriend, who just so happens to be a nice guy.

The older kids realize it, my youngest not so much...yet. I'm sure he will. You can only be the weekend parent for so long before the kids see it.

I was at the gas station today and the lines were long. There were 2 cashiers. As I'm headed to pay for my drinks another cashier opened up. The cashier did the right thing and offered to help the next guy in the closest line. A guy from another line sees the new cashier and makes a bee line towards her. He tries to jump in front of not only me, but everyone else in front of him and me. So he heads my direction since I'm closer to the new cashier and I immediately step in his path as if to block him. He looks at me like I'm in his way. I say, "Excuse you" to him. He kind of smiles at me. I can be imposing when needed. He knew he was wrong. So he backed up and let the people in front of him go first. You can call me the Cashier Avenger.

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