Friday, August 16, 2013

Weird week

It's been a weird week for me. I can't really explain why.  It just has been. It doesn't help that I'm on call for work either. Maybe I'll talk through it and figure it out.

Part of it may be that my schedule has been off kilter a bit. As much as I like flying by the seat of my pants, at the same time I'm a creature of habit. I know it sounds so conflicting. If you read back a few posts I mention that I was once tested at 51% right brained and 49% left brained. My habits are the perfect manifestation of that. My need for spontaneity and structure embody it.

The weather has changed here. We've gone from steady 80*-90* days to damp, dark days. Typical weather for us. That probably has a lot to do with it too. When I was in college we had a row of special desks that simulated sun for California kids in the library. The theory was students from California came here and would get depressed at the damp weather. The desk would give them a dose of sunlight to keep them from getting depressed. I'm not saying I'm depressed, I'm too pragmatic for that. I'm probably just feeling the effects of the change in weather. It's kind like an old man with a bum knee. When it gets cold he feels the effects of the weather in his bum knee. I guess that means I have a bum brain?

Free time, I've had more of it than usual this week. We didn't have practice of any sort for 2 days this week. I'm used to running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to get the kids to their practices. Having a few hours of my day back has me out of sorts me thinks.

The good thing about all of this is it doesn't take me long to figure things out. I just haven't taken the time to process the week. Once I take the time, it all feels better. I go back to being grounded. A nice run speeds up the process too.  So tonight that's the plan. Run around with the kids and come home for some 'me' time. I'll put throw on my running shoes and leave me troubles trailing behind me.

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