Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend wrapup

My weightloss is stalled. I've been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks now. It's probably due to the fact that I suck at working out for the most part. My eating was okay last week. We had a lot of family outings so that threw a monkey wrench in my eating. Que sera, sera.

I got some horrible news last week. I found out my Godmother is dying. She's been battling cancer for the last few years. The doctors said she has 6 months to live. Then again they said that same thing 3 years ago. I'll dive into this particular subject more later. Upon hearing the news we did what we always do, get together for dinner and a bbq. For some reason we always look for a time to get together and eat. We're sad? We bbq. We're happy? We bbq. It's a strange juxtaposition of emotions and coping.

Saturday my youngest had a bjj tournament. He killed it once again. I had him bumped up an age group so he could use submissions but unfortunately there was no one in that age group that signed up that was close to his weight. So he competed with kids his own age without the ability to submit his opponent. It was more of a positional sparring match. He dominated both his opponents, giving up zero points. His first match was bumped back. His opponent saw him and started crying right before his match. He remembered my son from a previous tournament in which my son choked him out. He saw my son and immediately decided he didn't want to compete against him. The boy's coach and the ref decided to have him watch my son against another opponent. It probably didn't help because my son dominated him easily. After some coaxing and encouragment the other boy decided he'd give it a go. It wasn't close either but he put up a great fight.

I was kind of torn about it in my own head. Yes these are kids but this is also a tournament. If you sign up there's a good chance that you're going to go against a kid that's pretty damn good if you're not that kid. At the same time, where's your sense of competitive spirit? My son goes hard without much prompting from me. Maybe he inherited that alpha male spirit from me. On the other hand I wonder how much this kid wanted to be here versus how much his dad wanted him to be here?

I spoke with the kid's dad for a bit in between matches and turns out his kid has been training for a little over a year. Perhaps it's a nod to how good my son is that he's only been training 3 months and is this dominant. Perhaps I'm just a proud papa too.

After the tournament we went over to my Godparent's house and had dinner. It was a good time. We were there with about 20 or so people just enjoying each other's company.

Sunday I slept in, getting some much needed rest. We met up with my mom and went to the local farmer's market and did a little shopping. If you have a farmer's market in your area I encourage you to go to it. The deals on fresh fruit and vegetables are unbelievable and your supporting your local farmers. When I purchase most anything, I always try to spend money locally first with the local business and mom and pop shops.

After the farmer's market we all went to eat at Red Robin....yum! We all parted ways and the kids came over to do some school shopping. Thank the Lord that they didn't mind doing it online. Not only did we find great deals, we did from the comfort of our own home minus all the craziness the mall can be this time of year.

Oh and I woke up with a stiff neck on Saturday! That really sucked. You don't realize how often you actually turn your head until your neck is stiff. I'm happy to report that as of this writing it's pretty much back to normal.

My goals from last week:
  • Vacuum car...I know...I know (hahahahahaha! NOPE!)
  • Yoga 3 times (I got in two sessions)
  • Run twice (See the first goal)
I'll just repeat my goals from last week this since I failed miserably. Mixed bag last week but I made the best of it. Enjoy your week.

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