Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weekend wrapup (late edition)

I'm a little late on this. I know.  Despite my love for all things slackerish, I had a good week. I didn't get in a single work out at all though. So let's just get last week's goals out of the way.

  • Go into the office 2 days (nope, not even close)
  • Exercise 4 days (nope, not even close)
  • Vaccuum my car [(this one haunts me) it's still haunting me]
That being said, I still lost 2lbs! Take that spare tire that engulfs my midsection. I'm officially down 8lbs since I started tracking everything closer. Thank you eating clean. I'm not sure that enough people realize that eating clean is like 90% of losing weight. The saying goes, 'You can't out train a bad diet.' I'm living proof that eating healthy is enough to lose weight.

It was an interesting week. We celebrated my dad's 10 year anniversary of his passing. It was an emotional day for me. I can't help but be cry when I think about him.

I keep saying I'm going to start this yoga program, but I never get around to starting it. Tonight's the night. I need to start crossing some things out on my to do list. This being one of them.

I'm sure I have more to say, I'm just not feeling very wordy right now. I'm kind of in a 'blah' type of mood. I think it has a lot to do with not exercising at all last week and it's carrying over to this week. I need the endorphin rush. I know I said it was a good week, it just wasn't as good as I could have made it. I need to stop wasting my days.

So I'm making it a point to be more productive for the rest of the week. It's not how many times you fall that counts, it's how many times you get back up. Stay tuned.

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