Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend wrapup

Amazing week last week! I lost 3lbs just by eating right! My exercise was so-so but I ate fairly clean. I even managed to go to a bbq on Saturday and Sunday. Because I ate clean during the week I was able to indulge a little bit.

Saturday I went to my a bbq for my newborn niece. It was a small bbq by our standards. They only invited a few families, ones they were close to. Included in those families were people we knew from past years of football and wrestling. I was listening to the conversation and found out that two of the families were walking away from their houses. They were so upside down that they just stopped making payments and were willing to get foreclosed on. It was pretty sad.

One of the dads from the other families is also one of our wrestling coaches. It was his idea to get my youngest in to bjj.  He told us that ever since he started coaching him he knew that bjj would be a perfect fit. I told him that my son was getting promoted on Monday and he was so excited! He said he was so happy that he could help my son find something he was passionate about. I swear he was about to tear up. This coach used to compete in bjj, no-gi to be exact. He's always been the one coach to really teach my youngest. On a team of 100+ kids it's hard to get personal attention. He went out of his way to really coach my son. For that I'm thankful. My son is getting promoted on Monday to yellow belt. He's that good! He asked if he could come to the promotion, of course I said yes. He said he's going to be so proud.

Saturday I also spent some time ferrying my oldest boy around to various skate parks. I didn't mind at all.  I was just glad my oldest found something he loves. He loves to ride BMX. He loves going to skate parks to practice new tricks. I probably logged a good 100 miles on Saturday just driving him around. It's my job as a father to help keep that passion alive.

Sunday we went to one of the biggest bjj academies in our state. They had a bbq and open mat. My youngest wanted to see how he fared against some of their students. He kicked ass. These kids have been training at least a year. My son has been training for less than 3 months. He only got beat once out of about 10 matches. I was proud of him.

Overall it was a great week despite my lack of I'll pick that up again this week. Wait, I did get in 2 runs and one yoga workout. In fact during one run I was witness to a high speed car chase. I was lumbering along the road, because that's how I run...I lumber. I don't have a graceful gait. I lumber. As I get my lumber on this car speeds past me going at least 80 followed by 3 police cars. Kind of cool. Hopefully no one got hurt.

I probably should set some goals this week.
  • Yoga M/W/F
  • Run twice this week
  • Vacuum car (the bane of my existence)
There you have it. My week(end) in words.

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