Thursday, July 11, 2013

Change of course

I started writing about my life and its current state but didn't really feel like writing about once I got into it. I fear I may be focusing too much on issues and not enough on more positive or even fun things. So I decided to write a 'stream of consciousness' type of post.

I went running last night. I decided to go despite the fact that it was super late, 10:30pm, and my back was still a bit sore. Was it a good run? It wasn't the best run but it was good to get out and enjoy the good weather we've been having.

I have a new boss at work. My old boss pretty much got shoved out. I'm not sure on the details but it felt like they just told her she would be replaced and she didn't have a place in the company. She actually cried when she told us the news. I feel bad for her. She was a decent boss. While I didn't like how we always got roped into stuff out of scope for our job, she left me alone. I can appreciate being left alone at work. With this boss I can work from home almost any time. It really allows me to be flexible. I'm not sure how it's going to work with the new boss though. I guess I'll wait and see. I do know one thing, I don't want to change jobs and I don't want to move up. I'm comfortable where I'm at. I don't want that to change.

So this post is now spanning two days. I'm not sure if it's because I don't have much to write about or if it's because I'm in a good place. Hopefully it's the latter. I'm starting to become centered again. I can't say enough how important it is to me to be centered.

Here's why, my mind races a million miles a minute. I'm always thinking. Thoughts bombard my brain. This happens so much that I've gone to keeping track of these thoughts in notes and a task list on my phone. There's some science to it. When I was in 6th grade I was tested for the 'gifted' class. It's a class that identifies supposed intelligent kids and tries to keep them stimulated with special classes and projects. Part of the test was an IQ test. I scored 149 on it. I believe that's near genius level. After testing I was put in the gifted class with other gifted kids. For 2 days a week we worked on stuff that was higher level than what other kids were working on. We did special projects and went on field trips.

Do I believe I'm a genius or near one? No. I think most geniuses have a particular talent. I have no particular talent. I can't play an instrument nor can I paint. Do I think I'm smart? Yes. I have a great ability to dissect problems and solve them. I'm not speaking of just tangible problems, I do really well at solving abstract problems as well. Maybe that's my talent?

Here's my problem with the genius tag and IQ tests, it doesn't really measure intelligence in different forms. When I was tested I sat next to a kid named Mikey while in regular classes. If there ever was a genius, he was it. He didn't do so well with academics but that kid was a regular Picasso. He would spend his class time drawing and sculpting. His sculptures were made of glue. He would spread glue on his desk and wait until it was partially dry and still pliable. He would then scoop the glue up and sculpt it into animals. One day he took the glue and created a whale, shark, and fish. No joke. He was that good. Another time I remember having a project where we had to draw a town. Mikey took it to a whole different level. He took the paper we were supposed to draw on and created a 3D town complete with buildings and cars. Now that's genius. I think about him from time to time wondering if he's some famous artist. Better yet, I hope he's still creating masterpieces.

Here's another interesting fact about my brain. I was also tested to see if I was more analytical or more creative, classic left vs right brain. My score was 51% left brain, 49% right brain.  I was neither more analytical nor creative dominant yet both for the most part.

There you have it, my being scattered brained as explained by science. This is why writing is so important to me. I need some outlet for these thoughts. It's not always interesting. A lot of times it's mental vomit on the internet. I've been writing in some form since high school. I've written everything from songs, poetry, to blogging over the years. I find I'm always at my best when I write. I also find when I'm at my worse, I turn to writing.

Thanks for letting me vomit.

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