Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I go through bouts of motivation and being flat out lazy. When I'm motivated I'm a world beater. When I'm not motivated...I'm a just a lump on a log. How do I combat this? I look for inspiration.

For fitness I search for people who have lost lots of weight from exercise and a change of eating habits. I love reading success stories. I love seeing before and after pictures. The pictures might be the most motivating thing for me. This leads me to reading people's stories. I really enjoy following their journeys. I like reading about their successes and what they did to overcome their failures. If you've ever read anything I've written you'll know that I don't believe in failures. I see failures as an opportunity to learn. Failures are lessons in disguise.

When I have these seemingly great ideas in my head I read about other people that have taken abstract ideas and made them reality. Mostly this pertains to business ideas or brand ideas. Sidenote: at one point I was the owner of a locally successful clothing brand. I even managed to ship product across the world in a few cases.  I closed shop on it because it became too much of a job and the fun was gone. That and my partner flat out sucked. I did all the work. But from that experience I learned a lot. I learned that I need a strong right hand man and someone that truly buys into the vision. In fact, I'm tossing around a couple of new brand ideas as we speak.  On these possible ventures I'd be more of the business point of contact and brand manager. The other person I'm talking with would be in charge of marketing.  My mind is always working and thinking about different ideas. I can't help it.

The other place I look for inspiration and motivation is from within. In fact it's the first place I look. I just have this notion in my head that no one has a stronger will to succeed than me. If you say I can't do it, I will...just to prove to you that I can. It's the stubbornness that drives me.  I challenge myself mentally everyday. I play little games in my head. Like when I'm running, I'll pick a spot down the road and challenge myself to all out sprint to that spot instead of jog. As I get to that spot I'll go just a little further as if to show myself that I can do it. By being my own worst critic, I'm my biggest motivator at the same time.

Rounding this all out is goal setting. I like setting goals. I set weekly goals and at time daily goals. My current goal is to lose 40 pounds by December 31st. On that day I'll sign up for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (bjj) classes. I've always wanted to to learn bjj. I love everything about the sport. I love all the little, subtle techniques. I love that it's a sport for the smaller man to take on the bigger man. I love the philosophy and history of it. If I reach my goal earlier than my target date I'll sign up for classes sooner. I will meet this goal. I will crush it.

I try hard to pass on these ideas to my kids too. Before any game, tournament, season we talk about the goals they have for that particular time. Usually we set 2 goals, one for the team and one individual goal if it applies. You'd be surprised at how this pushes them to want more and work harder.

Find your inspiration.

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