Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life is a highway

...and I want to ride it all night long. Well not really but it feels like I'm always on the road at least. It probably sounds like I complain about never having enough time and how life gets in the way of me accomplishing a lot of my goals. It's partly true. I do waste a lot of time doing lord knows what. I'm working on that part.

The part I can't control is being a busy dad. Case in point, I took my son to bjj practice last night after work and got a text on my way. My daughter said she thinks she has a UTI and needs to go to the doctor. I told her that I'd meet her at urgent care after practice. We ended up at urgent care for almost 4 hours. That doesn't sound very urgent does it? So from 4-10 yesterday I was at bjj practice and at urgent care with my son and daughter. Oh the life of a dad.

Needless to say my grand plans on working out went out the window. By the time I got home I was tired and hungry. Did I mention that I also puked yesterday? Yup I sure did. It has been that kind day(s) lately.  But let's focus on more positive things. I don't really like nor do I believe in dwelling on most anything. I like to learn from my mistakes or obstacles and move on.

My back is feeling a lot better today. I did blow out my back some years ago and it the pain comes back from time to time. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't move. This go around it was a solid aching. I could still move but I won't be dancing any time soon. The positive in all of the above? I think I know one trigger, stress. I'm going to watch it the next time it happens to see if my hypothesis holds true. I'm going to test my back tonight with a short run. As much as I probably should take time off, I've realistically taken the last few years off so I have to keep it moving.

Oh I did weigh myself on Monday. I try to keep my weighs in to a weekly event. My weight fluctuates so much from day to day that my true weight is up in the air until Monday morning.  The positive to my weigh in? I weigh exactly what I did a week ago. I did not lose weight but I did not gain either despite my best efforts to gain. The copious amounts of alcohol and bbq food did no damage over the holiday weekend! Yay for eating clean 4 out of 7 days of the week!!

All in all things are getting better. I just have to keep moving forward. That's all I can do.

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