Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Late weekend wrapup

I'm late on this. I know, BUT I had a killer weekend. Let's get last week's goals out of the way.

  • Lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (modified but done!)
  • Run Tuesday, Thursday, and possibly a third day (done!)
I not only got all my workouts in, I even did my cardio. One night I did a 4 miler. My feet were sore after though. I ate clean all week too and even managed to lose 2lbs since last week. I'm well on my way.

Saturday I watched my first Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (bjj) tournament and it was amazing. I took my son with me because he was competing for the first time and I wanted him to get a feel for it. I come from a wrestling background so I assumed it would be the same. Boy was I wrong. Yes it was the same in terms of tournament background but it was so different other ways. People cheer but they cheer quietly. Coaches coach but they coach quietly. There's not a lot of yelling like a wrestling tournament.

People are also way friendlier. I was having conversations with complete strangers and actually enjoying it. LOL. Generally I avoid conversation because it usually amounts to mindless small talk. Not Saturday. It was good, friendly conversation.

Sunday my youngest son competed. HE KILLED IT. Not only did he not give up any points, he won the gold medal for his bracket. Not bad for a nerdy kid that's never competed in bjj before.

Not really much to say today. So I'll post the goals for this week.

  • Run twice
  • Workout 3 time
  • Finish fixing computers  
I think that about covers it. Until next time.

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