On the way home our car died. Ironically we sent our last payment off the same day. I think the bank knew our car was paid off and hit some sort of kill switch so we could start thinking about a new car. After the fight on the way home I noticed the dash lights dimming. Then I saw the battery gauge slowly drop. I was hoping that we could get home before it died since we were only a few miles from there at that point. Just in case, I had my wife call my nephew to let him know we might need him. He was the closest one to us and could get there quickly. Sure enough it died. He came out and got us home. I grabbed the battery from my truck and put in her car so I could get it home.
On Sunday I swapped out the bad alternator and while I was getting greasy I changed the serpentine belt, neither of which I've done before. Thank you youtube. Feeling manly, I washed her car and cleaned out the inside. I'm was trying to do my man thing.
Later Sunday night my brother and his girlfriend came over for dinner. We hung out, had good food and good conversation.
I almost forgot to mention...I'm now down 6lbs as of today! My hardwork is paying off!! The great part about my weight loss is that I've done it my way. I found a groove that suits me. In a nutshell, I'm eating when I'm hungry. Sounds simple doesn't it? It's really not that simple. We're trained that in the morning we eat breakfast. Around noon we eat lunch. When we get home we eat dinner. Why? Because that's what we've always done. We eat on a schedule. What I'm doing is eating when the mood strikes me. I might not eat breakfast some days. Other days I'll skip lunch. This philosophy has really worked for me. I'm not hungry, I don't gorge myself when I do eat.
Overall it was a great weekend. This week is going to be just as good. On to the goals for the week:
- Exercise 4 times this week (running or weight lifting)
- Vaccuum my car (Lord knows it needs it)
- Finish fixing remaining computers
"The best way out is always through."
-Robert Frost
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