Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekend Wrapup

What an amazing week(end) it was.

I met all my goals for last week. I got my runs in and my weight lifting sessions in. It felt good. So good that I'm sore as hell today. I even mixed in a day or two off during the week without missing my goals. Oh and I lost 2lbs! The immediate goal is to lose from 1-2lbs a week.

It would be nice to lose a ton of weight fast but that's how you end up with extra flappy skin. I don't want that. I want my skin to have time to bounce back so slow and steady wins the race. At 2lbs max a week that gives my skin time to adjust. Another key to your skin is staying hydrated. I did really well with my water intake all week and even skipped my daily Monster energy drink a few days.

Did I have a cheat meal? Of course I did. I think it's crazy to not have one. You can only eat a strict diet for so long before you go nuts. I even had some Ben and Jerry's last week but instead of eating the whole thing in one sitting I ate a little at a time. I bought it on Wednesday and still have half the container left. Moderation is the trick. Eat the things you love but do it in moderation when possible.

Saturday was fun. We took my middle son out with some friends to go laser tagging and for pizza for his birthday. I had pasta. It was really good and the portions were huge. I ate a lot of it but left some on the plate. Moderation.

Sunday we had our baseball bbq. Now that was a blast. We had it at our coach's house. He has a large piece of property. It has a swimming hole that's fed by two natural springs. He even has a whiffle ball field he built on it!  The boys all went swimming and after we ate they played the parents in a whiffle ball game. The parents cheated a little of course but the boys still won.

I was sore as hell playing whiffle ball. My arms and chest were killing me. I lifted weights Sunday morning before the bbq and didn't realize how hard I went until I played. I knew I had a good session at the gym, I didn't know it was that good. Now it's Monday and DOMS has set in. That's Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I want to say that's a real scientific term, not some phrase I just coined for the sake of blogging.

I ate fairly clean at the bbq. I had ribs and 3 beers amongst the various other snacks. I logged it all and stayed pretty close to my calorie count. I think that's why my week was a success and I lost my 2lbs. I still had fun, but I still logged ALL of my food. I'll say it again, moderation.

I'm going to start doing some reading on intermittent fasting (IF). It's not a diet so much but a way of eating. It's exactly as it sounds, you fast for short periods of time when you would be normally eating. I've done some reading on it in the past but I need to brush up on the science of it once again. It sounds so much like a diet but I've heard it termed a nutritional 'lifestyle' and that's how I like to think of it.

The thing I life about IF is that it challenges long held beliefs in how we eat. It actually simplifies how we eat. I like simple. After I do some reading on it I'll probably try it for a week or two. I'll post results when I do.

Overall it was a great week. The plan is to continue this wave of goodness. That being said, here are my goals for the week:
  • Lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Run Tuesday, Thursday, and possibly a third day
  • Vacuum and wash my car
  • Get the backyard done
I'm starting this week off with one thought in mind.....DARE TO BE GREAT.

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