Friday, June 28, 2013

Monster Week

I've had a monster week. It's been truly amazing. I not only haven't missed a single workout, I've just been well mentally. I think one begets the other.I accomplished all my goals that I set for the week. That in itself is pretty awesome.

That's not to say I haven't hit a struggle or two this week. I had the usual things out of left field come up but since I was prepared in the other aspects of my life it didn't take much more than a little juggling to make it all work. I juggle well, so well that I could be in circus. It's all part of being a dad of busy kids. I even struggled with not being lazy. Last night I didn't want to hit the gym. I pretty much laid around for a few hours until I could justify not going to the gym because it was to late.

I hit that point where you fight or quit. I fought. I won. Even though it was 10:30 at night I hopped in the car and headed to the gym. It turned out to be a great decision, not only for the obvious reasons, but also because there was almost no one there. They gym only had a few dedicated souls. By the time I got done I was the only one there. It was nice being the only one there. It reminded me that I'm on my own. No one can push me but me. If I fail, I fail on my own. If I prosper, I prosper on my own.

I've even tracked all my food this week. I've eaten pretty clean. I stayed within my caloric allowance and hit my macros for the most part. I'm not a big macro guy but I like to keep track of my protein intake. If I stall I'll pay better attention to macros.

I finally settled on a sort of long term goal. Once I get down 40lbs I'm going to start taking Brazilian jiu-jistu (bjj) classes. My youngest takes bjj classes and loves it. I know I would too. To me bjj is such a beautiful sport. It's combat for the thinking man. I've heard it being referred to as kinetic chess. That's right up my alley. A fighting sport for nerds? Count me in. So that's my goal, lose 40lbs and start bjj classes as my reward. At this point I'm waaaay bigger than I want to be. I think if I started classes now I might hurt myself.  Besides, it's something to shoot for. Now I need to settle on a short term goal. I'll mull it over this weekend.

Have I mentioned that I've gotten in 2 solid runs this week? Well let me mention it. I got in 2 solid runs this week. I have another run scheduled for tomorrow. Tonight's plan is to walk for about 45 minutes. For the rest of the weekend I have a weight session tomorrow and taking Sunday off.

All that being said, working out has really cleared my head. It's a good feeling. I've found balance.

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