Wednesday, June 26, 2013


When I first got divorced I met this lady not too long after. I was out one night, I don't even remember where or what I was doing. We started talking and had a nice conversation. I didn't think much of it at the time. She was in town on business and came to the area several times a year. We had such a good conversation that we exchanged contact information.

From time to time we would trade emails just checking on each other, nothing serious. She told me she was going to be back in town and wanted to meet up. She was only in town for a couple of days and the timing was right. When she got to her hotel she gave me a call and wanted to have dinner that night. Remembering how much I enjoyed her company of course I said yes.

I arrived at her hotel that night and we had dinner at her hotel's restaurant. We moved to the bar after dinner and had a few drinks. The conversation flowed and we both were having a good time. After a few drinks, I was in no way drunk nor was she, she invited me up to her room.

Having been with the same woman for years it was both frightening and exciting at the same time. I've never had a problem meeting women, but to meet someone so quickly after my divorce it was a nice validation that I 'still had it.'

We got to her room and the chemistry was perfect. When I think back, I have this movie like version of it in my head. It's probably not far from the truth. It was like a scene from Up in the Air starring George Clooney. She was the traveling business woman. I was the a younger guy and she was the hot, older woman.

We started kissing and the clothes just melted to the floor. The sex was wonderful. She was a very giving and attentive lover. She was passionate. She appreciated my oral skills. It was one of the sexiest encounters I've ever had in my life. We had sex a few times that night. I left early in the morning and we said our good byes.

From there we kept in contact and she came back second time. We repeated our first tryst. Once again the sex was amazing but we connected in another way. In between all the fucking we had good conversation. To me that meant so much more. I also found out something else about her. She was very submissive. Not in a S&M way but in a way that she liked a man that took control of situations.

She left once again and our contact continued. Our emails turned to texts. Our texts turned to phone calls. The problem was she lived in the Midwest and our intimacy was limited to business trips to my area. Then one day while we were talking I heard a voice in the background. It was definitely male. I knew she had a son and a daughter but the voice was that of a grown man.

I casually asked her who it was. She replied, 'That's my husband.'


I wasn't that invested in all of it but I was still taken aback. I make it a point for that very reason to not get close to women. You never know what's going to happen or when. Yes I enjoyed the sex. Yes the conversation was awesome but I still had my guard up. I always do, not just in affairs of the heart, in all of my life.

I don't remember how it went but I do remember getting off the phone quickly. That was followed by texts explaining her situation. It was typical. She was in a loveless marriage. She would leave if she could do it on her own financially. She was staying for the kids. Blah blah blah.

I broke it off. She insisted on seeing me one last time, after all she already had plans on being in town. Why not have a last hurrah? I politely declined. She told me she was coming anyway and if I wanted to see her one last time she was willing.

I still declined. It got to a point where I cut off almost all communication with her. I stopped answering her emails. I blocked her number. She checked in with me via email over the next month or so. I have to admit to replying once or twice but always in a strictly friendly manner. I didn't want anything to do with her in bed. Those situations are how you end up with an angry husband at your front door.

So the day arrived when she would be in town. She called me. I recognized her number but didn't pick up. I  knew she was in town. About 30 minutes after her first call I get another call at my desk at work. It was a local number. I picked up thinking it was work related. Instantly I recognized the voice. It was her.

She told me she was in the parking lot and she wanted to see me. I got scared. I had pictures of a murderous, spurned lover wanting me dead. I didn't know what to do. I was at work. I can't have her going nuts and getting me fired or even worse...killing me. I furiously debated on what to do.

I decided to go out to the parking lot. I figured we were in a public place and if things went wrong, I had an out. I also didn't want any thing to go down at my job.

I walked out and spotted her rental car. She was sitting in the driver's seat. I couldn't get a read on her face. I didn't know what I was going to do once I got there. As I'm walking towards her car I came up with a plan, get her to move to another place so we could talk, somewhere away from my job.

I opened the passenger door and got in her car. Next thing you know I grab her by her hair and started to furiously kiss her. She was wearing a skirt. I ran my hands up her skirt and started to play with her as I kissed her. I could feel her wetness as she reacted to my touch.

I told her to go back to her hotel. Leave me a key to her room. Be naked when I get there. I'd be there in in 30 minutes. She nodded and collected herself.

I went back to work, wrapped up a few things and checked out for the day. I got to her hotel and sure enough she had a key waiting for me. When I walked into her room she was naked on the bed. Before I got two steps she started to tell me how mad she was that we didn't talk anymore and that she still wanted to see me.

I told her I couldn't do it. This was our last time ever being together. She offered little debate. It was obvious by the look on my face that I was serious. She then got off the bed and and started to undress me. She dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth. It was heaven. My body betrayed me with each flick of her tongue. 

I fucked her one last time then said goodbye. It was hot.

That was all years ago. I haven't heard from her much at all. I did get an email about 6 or 7  years ago updating me on her situation. She decided to divorce her husband. She found a new lover. She found the courage to leave thanks to me.

I'm not sure what courage I gave her. What I took from the situation was I met a woman that wasn't who she said she was. A pretty business woman was actually a pretty, married business woman. I don't regret it in any way. It was fun.

It's just another memory. She's just another memory. Nothing more. True story.

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