Friday, June 21, 2013

Silver linings

So far this week has been one thing after another. I've done my best to keep things in check as much as possible but you know how it plugging a hole in a dam then another one pops.

I think I have to face facts, I live a complicated and busy life. My schedule is not my own. That's just the way it's going to be until my wonderful kids grow up and move out.

I make these grand plans to do this and that and none of it ever happens. The bottom line is that I just need to arrange my schedule around what I know is coming. There really is no other option. If I plan better I'll do better.

I can only smile though. I actually had a good laugh when I looked back on my to do list for this week. I think that's important for me and probably would go a long way with other people. Life is full of change. Unfortunately it doesn't move in a linear manner as much as we think it does. Life is an amoeba, it comes in many shapes and forms. We measure time in a linear manner so it makes life seem that way too. Life itself? Unpredictable.

I still have 3 days to salvage my week though. I like to look at things and try to find that silver lining. It's one of my talents. I see good in everything. I don't look at failures as actual failures. I look at failures as learning opportunities.

So what's my silver lining here? I lead a busy, blessed life. 

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