Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend revisit

Let's get this out of the did I do with my goals?
  • Get more sleep.
    • Be in bed by 10pm (I did pretty well with this one)
  •  Work out 3 times a week
    • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (Haha! Not even close)
  • Run twice a week
    • Monday and Wednesday (See above!)
It didn't go so well with the goals. A few things I failed to factor in, planning a family get together, all day baseball tournaments, dinner with family and other miscellaneous items. Does that mean it was a failed week? Not by any means. It was actually a very good week. I got to watch the kids play sports and I hung out with family quite a bit. Never a failure.

On the plus side we did wrap up baseball for good. So that's one less activity to schedule around. I also have my lunch ready for the week and my clothes are ready too. That's another thing I don't have to worry about this week. For me preparation is key. If I go into my week flying by the seat of my pants then I'm doomed. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

So this week I'm going to repeat my goals. Tonight I'll go running, rain or shine. Believe it or not I like running in the rain as long as it's not a torrential downpour. There's something cleansing about running in the rain.  It's both symbolic and therapeutic for me.

So this week's goals are:
  •  Work out 3 times a week
    • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
  • Run twice a week
    • Monday and Wednesday 
I did eat pretty clean for the most part this week. That's a huge step for me. It sounds so simple but it if it's not in the house, I can't eat it. I made it a point to only have healthy foods in the house this past week. Gone are the days of cake and ice cream. That's not to say that I won't have some from time to time. I might go crazy without ever having ice cream again in my life.

I actually had a lot of interesting stuff to write about (in my head) but I'm drawing a blank. Go figure.

I did have a weird encounter this weekend though. I'll save that for another post.

I feel determined today. It's a good feeling. I need to harness that feeling and focus it.

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