Friday, June 14, 2013

Cart before the horse

Earlier this week I decided to set some goals, none of which have been accomplished. Am I surprised? Not in the least.

Here's the problem. I put the cart before the horse. On top of that I made goals with no means of how I plan on accomplishing them.

Let me explain.

I wanted to work out this week but I have zero energy. I'm tired constantly and frequently fall asleep just sitting down. I also planned on running but same deal, I'm too damn tired.

So how do I go about completing these goals if I'm so tired? The answer is simple. Sleep more.

I spend so much of my waking hours...awake. I'm up until well past midnight on most days. Sometimes I don't go to bed until 2am and wake up promptly at 7am. No wonder I'm always so tired.

One of the most forgotten pieces to fitness is rest. When you sleep your body is rebuilding its muscles. That's how you grow. That's how you get stronger. Most importantly that's when your body repairs itself. This applies to physical repairs as well as mental repairs too.

So last night I made it a point to be in bed by 10pm. Whatever I had planned had to be done by that time or it had to wait until tomorrow. I made it to bed as planned and woke up feeling like a new man. As a result I was super productive today! Win. So my plan is to continue getting to bed by 10pm so I can repeat this feeling. 

Being rested enough to tackle my goals was one problem. The other problem was my goals were neither specific nor timely. By timely I mean I had no dates for my deliverables.  If you're really interested in how to properly set goals google S.M.A.R.T. goals. S.M.A.R.T. stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

That being said, here are my revised goals.
  • Get more sleep.
    • Be in bed by 10pm
  •  Work out 3 times a week
    • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
  • Run twice a week
    • Monday and Wednesday
Note: I started this post on Thursday and managed to get to bed on time that night. I woke up today feeling fresh once again!

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