Friday, June 14, 2013

Line in the sand

I read a lot. One thing I read a lot about is fitness. I have this half desire to be fit once again. I call it a half desire because that's all it is. I want it. I just don't do it. It's a crazy dilemma. I come up with excuse after excuse to not get in shape and I stall myself.

Today I'm drawing a line in the sand. I'm going to do it.

During my reading today I came across something that registered in my brain. Someone posted about how she lost weight and that it wasn't the exercise or the eating that bothered her the most, it was feeling like she deserved it...feeling she was worth it. I found that profound. She goes on to say about how she learned to love herself and how she found time for herself because she valued herself.

Too often I put people's needs above my own. It can be family, friends, kids; the list is endless. I NEED TO MAKE TIME FOR MYSELF. That's the bottom line.

So today I'm making time for myself. I'm going to get some good, mind clearing time in. I'm going to shut everyone out and just do me.

I'm drawing a line in the sand.

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