Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekend Aftermath

It's Monday and I usually like to go over my week(end) just to see how things went. I find it helpful just to see what I did and how I did. It's like a weekly check in at self therapy.

I revised my goals from last week to make them more specific. This week I start putting them in play. Tonight I have running on tap. I'll run after scootering the kids to and from their practices.

The week started out tough mentally but got better as it went on. I don't know why it started out that way.  I think exercise plays a huge role in that for me. Exercise gets me high. That's the truth. I love exercising, at least when I get to it. Up to that moment I dread it. One would think I remember that each time I fight getting to the gym. Nope. I fight it every step of the way and then thank myself after I actually finish a work out. Thank you endorphins. On that note I did go walking with the wife. She and I took a quick route around the nearby neighborhoods. It was a short walk. We only covered a little over a mile but it was good to get out and breath some fresh air.

I also rode a motorcycle for the first time in years. My cousin dropped by on his bike and let me take it for a spin. I forgot how fun it was being on a bike. Granted I just stayed in the neighborhood but it was fun nonetheless. I still don't see myself dusting off the motorcycle that sits in my garage though. I'd rather trade them for something like quads. I'm at that age where I don't really have any business going fast and trying to look cool.

My mom came by on Saturday and took us out dinner. Mom took us out  for an early Father's Day dinner. We hit the seafood buffet. I'm not sure I can do that on a regular basis. I just don't have it in me to eat that much. Buffets are such a trap. They put you in a mindset where you feel you have to overeat just to get your moneys worth. That's what I did. I stuffed myself full of crab, prime rib, and dessert. I felt sick as hell afterwards too.

In my family we seem to celebrate by overeating. Most people have balloons and cards. We have meat and more meat in our celebrations. It sure does make it hard to stay healthy when people around you are doing things that are counter productive to it.

...Father's Day. I had mixed feelings on Sunday. It was great spending time with the kids on the one hand, but it was sad at the same time. Every reminder that my father passed makes me sad. I don't think that's ever going to change. Miss you pop. Another thing leading to the mixed feelings on Father's Day was the fact that I found my long lost son and we are still at a stand still.  We are no closer to getting to know each other than we were before this all started. A large part of me had high hopes that we could move on and start new. I don't know that it's going to happen. Miss you son.

Despite all that I did have a great week in hindsight. I even got my clothes ready for the week. That's always very helpful in keeping my weekend on schedule and eliminates a ton of excuses for not having time. I was planning on getting my lunch packed for the week too but I we were out of groceries I needed. Oops. I have that problem solved though. I'm heading to the store on my lunch to grab good for the week.

I finished it strong. I finished it on a high note, even if it's just inside my head. I'm beginning this week the same way, strong.

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