Friday, July 19, 2013

Things I am not

I'm a lot of things, at least I like to think so. But there are many things I am not.
It's not a bad thing, I just realize my limitations or shortcomings better than most. I use those terms loosely though. I truly believe I don't have any limitations.  Any such limitations are simply barriers that are self imposed.

I think our minds are capable of great things. Ironically it's that same thing that also limits us. Mental barriers are simply that, all in our head. Once you put your mind to something you can do it. You have to truly put your mind to it though.

All that aside, here are the things that I am not (by choice).

I'm not patient with adults. I have high expectations for people and when they don't meet those expectations it's hard for me to understand. Often times I skip thoughts and leaves gaps when I communicate. I expect adults to keep up and fill in the blanks, especially when I think they are self explanatory. In other words, keep up.

I'm not a fan of awkward conversation. People tend to over talk. If you choose your words carefully, surprisingly, conversation can be very concise and a lot can be communicated in short manner. I'm very much a fan of observation at the same time. I find that a lot can be gleaned from simply watching people. Body language is very expressive.

I'm not very passive. My personality can be very aggressive at times.
I'm not aggressive in a violent way, I'm aggressive in a more focused way. I have a problem I fix it and move on. I will work at that problem until I solve it. I've stayed up for days working on something because I refused to give up, even in lieu of sleep. When push comes to shove, I push harder.

I'm not always motivated. It's true. I'm not. I have the science of slackery down to an art form. I know exactly how much work I need to do to get something done. It makes sense to me that I have fun and do just enough to get the job done. Under promise, over deliver is my motto.

I don't like to color within the lines. What I mean is I don't like rules and I don't like structure for the most part. I fly by the seat of my pants a lot and it suits me just fine. I don't need to plan ahead much. I find it helps when things don't go as planned. I'm able to to adjust on the fly without thinking.

I'm not a morning person. Never been. Never will be. I'm most productive at night.

I'm sure there are other things that I'm not but the above stand out. In reading what I wrote I sure sound like a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Sheldon Cooper. I kind of like that.

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