Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend Wrapup - irritated

We'll get the goals portion of this post done first.

  • Lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - I lifted 2 times
  • Run Tuesday, Thursday, and possibly a third day - I ran once
  • Vacuum and wash my car - I fixed the headliner
  • Get the backyard done - completed!
I forgot to factor in that it was a holiday week last week. Needless to say it threw me off a little bit. Now on to my being irritated.

The latter half of the week just had me all kinds of irritated. I hate when people get me involved in their projects and I end up doing more or I get asked to do the impossible. The wife wanted to throw a baby shower for my cousin's wife at our house. That's fine. I'm all for it. But she wanted to make these invitations by hand. Uh-oh. Just because I work with computers doesn't mean that I know everything about them. I'm not a graphics artist.

She had this grand idea of what it should look like and actually did the base graphic. Then she wanted me to tweak it. I tweaked it but I knew that wasn't the end of it. She wanted to print the invitations 4 to a sheet with no borders and so that the graphic stretched to the edge of the paper. Well it's not that simple. You're original graphic has to be scalable so that if fits perfectly. Hers wasn't. It could be stretched but not without skewing. Basically if you want something to fit in four squares it has to be a square to start or it will skew. Even that part if fine. I did my best. What irked me is that I asked her to go lift with me. She asked if we could fix the graphic first.

Here's where my problem starts. We spent almost 3 hours trying to get it right. It doesn't help that she couldn't communicate what she wanted in clear manner. I can try and do most things on a computer, but only when I know what someone wants done. If you can't tell me, I can't do it. After 3 hours we got it right but by then we missed the workout window. It was late. I was tired. I was irritated.

Then she decided she wanted to go look at cars. I know she wants a new one. Her car kills us on gas every week. She did some research and found a few dealers that had the car she wanted, an Infinity. We get to the first lot and it was there. The salesman did his job and tried to sell us the car. That's what they do. He put the pressure on to get a deal done that day. I backed him off so we could talk. I asked if she was ready to buy today. She said no. She said she wasn't ready to buy today. She said she didn't know that they were going to try to sell her a car today. WHAT?? That's what they do at a dealer. They sell cars. If you walk into a dealer with financing in place (which we have) they will try to sell you a car. That's like going to a gas station, putting the nozzle into your tank, pulling the trigger, then being surprised that gas is coming out. That's what you're there for.

Next point of irritation. As I was driving to the dealer her son asked me a question. (A little background, I've raised her son who I consider my son, for most of his life.) I answered the question and asked him to google it to verify if I was right. A few minutes pass and he's just sitting there. I asked if he was going to do it. He said he didn't want to use up his data. WHAT?? You can play games all day and not worry about data? You can surf on your phone all day and not worry about data? Just admit it. You were too lazy to look it up. You didn't want to do it.

We've had ongoing problems with him listening to me or her even. It's gotten better over the last few years but of all the kids, we have problems with him the most. My kids listen. I'm not just saying that because they're my kids. They really do listen. I don't have to tell them twice. They do what they're told, no questions asked. Him? He'll do it eventually but he complains the whole time while doing it. Rarely does he ever do it when first asked without griping. 

I took his phone and told him since he's so worried about data let's just not be on the phone at all. That's a sure way to save on data. I told him to not ask me for anything from here on out. What he fails to realize is that I'm on his side. I pull for him more than anybody. He got his haircut on Friday and hated it. He was literally in tears. He wanted his hair short like he always gets it. But the wife just had it trimmed so that it was still long. When they got home he was crying and went straight to his room. He hated it that much. What do I do? I convince the wife that he needed his hair re-cut the way that it always is. We jumped in the car within an hour of him coming home and I drive all the way back to our barber and have it fixed. Let's not forget all the times I tote him around to his practices and games. Let's not forget that I I just took him to football camp last week when I should have been in the office working. He doesn't get it. I'm tired of trying to convince him.

All this irritation has affected me. It really threw me off. My back started to hurt. I think from the stress. I need to do a better job on managing stress. It's Monday now, a new week. I have to get a better handle on things.

Until I get it right, I need to keep repeating my goals.

  • Lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Run Tuesday, Thursday, and possibly a third day
How do I feel today? I feel a little better but still not centered. I'm working on it.

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