Monday, November 4, 2013

Still slumping

I'm still in a slump. I didn't work out at all last week. I'm not sure what it's going to take to get back on track. I did some thinking about it and came up with some possible reasons I'm in this slump.

Reason 1: I'm so awesome. I'm so awesome that I don't want to discourage anyone that's trying to reach their goals by reaching mine while they don't reach their goals. Imagine playing basketball against Michael Jordan. You have no hope to win. Same principle here. I'm the Michael Jordan of blogging and reaching goals.

Reason 2: My goals are too easy to reach. If I reach my goals now what else am I going to do with the rest of my life? I'm that good.

Reason 3: The weather. It's cold here. Who wants to be outside when it's so cold? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Reason 4: I keep making excuses to not do anything with myself. I think this one is most likely to be the root cause. That and my inability to plan anything and use my time wisely are the culprits.

Not one for dwelling on problems I suppose I should fix this. It's Monday so there's no better time than now. I just have to fit my goals in better with my busy schedule with the kids. I know that I'm going to be gone during the evenings at least 4 days a week. On weekends, I know my morning and afternoons are taken with the kids. Knowing all that I HAVE to plan better. I HAVE to make some concrete plans.

Here they are:
  • Monday - walk after dinner
  • Tuesday - yoga
  • Wednesday - yoga
  • Thursday - walk after dinner
  • Friday - yoga
Those are my plans. Now I just have to stick to it. I'm a believer in taking things head on. I think the best way to the other side of a problem is through it. Here I come week.

Monday, October 28, 2013

...and I'm back

Not that anyone missed me but I'm back. I took a self imposed hiatus from blogging. Read: I got lazy. That's the truth.

Actually I have been busy. My father in law (FIL) came to visit for about a month so I had to make some adjustments to my schedule and everyday comings and goings to accommodate him. It was a good visit for the most part.

I work from home about 80% of the time and having an extra body to entertain while working has it's trappings. Normally I work right from my couch but needing peace and quiet I had to move my work into my bedroom. At the same time I played good host and would come out and check on him from time to time. Often times I work in shorts and even in my underwear. That definitely had to change.  My FIL being old school probably had this idea that you had to 'show' up for work in order for it to be considered working. Working from home probably didn't seem like I was really working to him. But we live in the age of the nerd, it's right after the age of Aquarius. Working from home is a viable option.

My FIL is the type to stay busy. He can't just sit. I enjoy my silence since I live such a constantly on the go life with the kids. I enjoy just sitting sometimes, it's meditative. My FIL would go out and check the oil on the cars if he had nothing better to do. If we were watching a movie he would ask random questions about the movie just to break the silence. That took getting used to.

I'm still glad he came though. He got to see the kids play in their various sports. It was odd explaining football to him though. He's not a sports guy. He knows cars and tools.

You would think with all my time off from blogging that I've at least been eating clean and exercising. Nope. My FIL is a mean cook. He made dinner quite a bit and none of it was healthy but damn was it good!

Now that he's gone, he's been gone for about a week and a half it's time to get back on the horse. I've been mentally going over my days and trying to plan ahead. Tonight I plan on going for a quick walk just to get the blood flowing again. I plan on walking 3 times this week then start running next week. I need to jump back in to yoga again too.

Last but not least I need to go back to setting goals. This week's goals are:
  • Log my food all week
  • Walk 3 times
  • Clean off the couch in the bedroom that's piled up with folded laundry
So I'm back and hopefully will start blogging more often.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Parent trap

I was thinking about this the other day, amongst many other thoughts, there are different types of sports dads. I draw this from experience mainly as a parent, coach, supporter of an athlete(s).

The first parent is the passive aggressive dad. This dad complains on the sideline about everything from playing time to coaching style. Usually this parent's kid is a middle tier athlete. He's not a bad player but he's not a great player.  This parent is very supportive though. He's at every game and attends every practice. The downside is that this parent will complain the entire time to anyone who will listen. Outside of that he's nice enough so you don't really write him off. You just tune him out.

The second dad is pro sport dad. He's constantly coaching, even when he's not the coach. He calls his kid over various times throughout the game and offers tips and advice. Bear in mind this dad probably didn't play sports (but he watches sports) at all or if he did he sucked. He's living vicariously through his kid. He applauds his kid's every move, even a -2 yard run. He says stuff like, 'Did you see that run? He broke 3 tackles and turned a -5 yard run into a -2 yard run.' He really thinks his son is going to be a pro player some day.

The third dad is the money dad. He spends tons of money on his kid. He sends his kid to every camp possible. His kid has all the latest sports gear. His kid has the best equipment. Unfortunately money can't buy love. His kid doesn't love sports. His kid would rather be playing in instrument but is instead guilted into playing because of all the money his dad spends on sports.

The fourth dad is the blamer dad. He blames everything on everyone else. He's similar to the passive aggressive dad in that he complains all the time but he complains loudly, even to the coach. His kid never does anything wrong in his eyes. It's always another kid's fault. He writes the board, he tries to get coaches fired. His kid is a good kid and likely a really good player. His kid is also embarrassed by his dad.

The last dad is the quiet dad. He doesn't say much, he just supports his kid. He's always there. He always encourages.

Which dad are you?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend wrapup - ON TIME

Imagine that, I'm actually writing about my weekend, week on a Monday! All praise due the blogger gods.

I had a great weekend. My week was pretty good too. Work is still busy but it's been nice to do some of the things my new boss has me doing. She's of the mind that high level analysts should be doing high level work. What this means for me is that I don't have to deal with the daily, trivial work that comes our way. Instead, I get to focus on bigger projects and I simply mentor and oversee the lower analysts work. Also she has us doing more focused work. I no longer have to drive to a different state to hook up a printer. It's not my job. She's working on reigning our duties back in to doing what we do best, nerd shit. Oh and she also called my ideas brilliant!

No exercise for me still. It's pretty much been put on the back burner. I really have no excuse why. I just haven't been exercising nor eating clean. I'm fixing that tonight. After practice I plan on going for a short run. It's going to kill me but it needs to be done. It will give me some alone time away from home. I'll put on my headphones and run in the rain.

Speaking of rain, we've had torrential downpours over last week and into today. This time of year and the weather always has a way of dragging me down. That weather shift from sun to darker days is a killer. That on top of the anniversary of my dad passing sucks any motivation out of my body.

Being the pragmatist (is that a word?) I am, I need to figure out how to work out of my funk. Setting goals in the past worked for me so why not go with the tried and true?

Goals for this week:
  • Run twice
  • Yoga 3 times 
Set small goals that work towards the bigger goal. That's my motto.

All in all it was a great week and an even greater weekend. Today's motivational quote is this.

"Our greatest weekend lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
-Thomas Edison

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weekend wrapup

I know, it's late. I had all kinds of plans to do my wrap up yesterday but that fell to the way side. I'm starting to think that it's not a good idea since I can't be consistent. It's not like anyone reads my blog anyway! :-)

I did have a great weekend though. I spent most of it ferrying my youngest around to bjj practices. Lately we've been practicing at another academy on weekends on their invite. Let me tell's so much better. It's organized, structured, and disciplined. It's nothing like his current gym. If he hadn't been invited to train up there maybe we wouldn't know any better. When my son first started training as a parent I loved our current gym. It was inviting and had a great atmosphere. It's very family oriented.

But since training on occasion at this new gym, I know better. You can be inviting and have a great atmosphere but still have some order. My son, on his own, decided that he wants to train full time at the new gym. He said, 'I learn so much more here then I do at my normal gym.' Words of a 9 year old. If he can see it then there must be some truth to it. For the amount of money we're paying, we're just not getting enough value. We're just waiting for our contract to run out before we change gyms.

I haven't been eating right and exercising lately. It's fallen to the wayside. I do think about it everyday though. One of the things that makes it tough is my father in law visiting for the next month. That guy can cook but unfortunately it's not the always the healthiest meal. He seems to be blessed with the world's best metabolism. I on the other hand stay true to the saying, 'A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.' I'm the living embodiment of it. If I eat it, the fat will come. He's only been here for a week so we're still settling into a routine. Once we get there I'll hop back on the horse.

Part of me is still trying to find my 'workout rhythm.' I recently canceled my gym membership because I'm not
sure lifting weights is for me. I've tried Crossfit, meh. Not for me either. I did like yoga. I like the stretching and spiritual aspect of it. Between that and running I believe I can get fit. That's my goal, to get fit. My visions of being buff are out the window. Chalk it up to my advanced age. I'm an old man. Let's face it. Healthy and fit are the new buff.

Oh and I've gone back to planning my day. It really helps. I use a planning app on my phone, Wunderlist, that also has a web version. You can add tasks via their website and it will sync to your phone. I've been doing this for the last week and I've successfully completed 11 tasks this week! Being productive feels really good. I feel all accomplished and shit.

So that's my weekend and last few days. I need to keep reminding myself, this is amazing. If you have to ask yourself 'what' is amazing, it's not amazing enough.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Misinformation, too much information

I know I suck at blogging lately. I've been really busy with work and life.

At work I have a huge project going on that doesn't end until October. It pretty much consumes my everyday work day. The upside is once it's done, I'll go back to be the norm of work. The downside is that I have daily contact with people I normally wouldn't have contact with...and these people can be idiots, alarmists, and generally talk too much.

If you didn't know, I'm a software guy. I make those buttons you click do something magical. Usually I stay pretty far behind the scenes. You have to achieve victory in the lower levels to get to me. I'm like the boss bad guy in a video game only I'm less scary and in 4d. With this project there's a lot of testing involved. They test, I fix. It's supposed to be that simple. Turns out it's not. This week I've had to deal with reports of stuff broken. Guess what? It wasn't broken. The problem is they were trying to test with no valid data. If a report is supposed to capture specific data, you have to have that specific data in the system. Imagine going to a store that's since been closed to buy something. How can you expect to buy something in a store that has no product? After pointing that out they quickly figured it out and they also figured out it wasn't a software issue. In the business we call it an I-D-10-T issue...IDIOT. I can't really blame the users/testers for this. It's a project management issue. Who ever was in charge of the testing should have covered this. It's Testing 101.

On top of this project I'm in the process of interviewing applicants for a few openings at work. That's an arduous task. It sounds simple but it's really time consuming. You have to wade through hundreds of applicants and narrow down the pool. Once you complete that process you have to narrow it even further to those you want to interview. Once you get through interviews you have to narrow further to decide who goes on to round 2. It's a long, drawn out process. We got through the the first round of interviews this week. So what does all that mean? It means I'm in a ton of meetings, interviews, and project happenings everyday. It literally takes up 30 or so hours of my 40 hour week. Good times.

On another note I was at the gas station last night filling up the wife's tank. As I'm getting gas I'm eavesdropping on two ladies' conversation. One lady was talking about how broke she was and how money issues kept piling up. The other lady suggested bankruptcy and said that she and her husband declared bankruptcy. She then proceeded to tell her how it only affects your credit for 2-3 years and after that it drops off your credit report.


Banruptcy is on your credit report for 10 years, not 2-3. Is it an alternative to get out of financial issues? Yes but I don't think it's the best alternative. It's a last resort thing. When you have no choice, do it. Until then you plug away.

Maybe I'm just an eternal optimist. Maybe I'm just more motivated than others. But I can't believe in not having choices. I always feel like there's a way out that's better than the worst. I always feel like things turn out for the best, not by sitting idly by, but by going after what you want. You take from life. Life doesn't give to you otherwise.

Despite life and it being busy, life is nevertheless amazing. Remember that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weekend wrapup + bonus content

Breaking news: I vacuumed my car last week! It looks brand new! Okay so maybe not brand new but it's certainly cleaner. It made a huge difference in how I feel about my car and how it looks. I never realized how dirty and messy it was inside until I cleaned it. It looks so much better now.

The weekend was pretty good. We were at a big bjj tournament. My son did well. He lost but I take the blame for a good chunk of it. He was up on points and should have just stalled. It's pretty common in bjj to play like that. You get ahead, you protect the lead. My problem was that I coached it like a wrestling match. In wrestling you're aggressive. You go for the pin. In bjj, you don't. It's a game of being patient. The patient player usually wins. You wait for your opponent to make a mistake. Had I told my son to stall once up on points he wouldn't have been so aggressive and gotten caught in submissions. My bad. I'm still learning. It's only our 3rd tournament. He has another tournament in two weeks.

Did I mention that I vacuumed my car?? It's worth saying again just in case.

This morning I waited at the bus stop with my youngest. With my other boys in middle school, he's the only one that rides the bus to elementary. I noticed something ineresting.  There's a main road that splits the bus route. On one side is my neighborhood. On the other side is another. My neighborhood is newer. The other is older.

Judging by the kids and parents waiting for the bus you can pretty much tell who lives where. Some of us drive our kids to the bus stop and just park on the road. Once our kids get picked up we leave for work from there. From my neighborhood there was an Audi, a Saab, and a newer Dodge truck. On the other side there was a Ford Tempo. The kids on our side for the most part were well dressed. The kids on the other side? Not so well dressed. One kid had on rain boots despite the forecast of 80* weather.

On our side, the parents were made up of me, a soldier, and a mom about to go running. The other side a mom was in sweats smoking. Another mom I watched walk from her house to the bus stop. She also had on sweats and what looked like a bad bleach job. In her fenced front yard I saw 5 dogs running around.

The socioeconomic divide was pretty evident. I'm not judging at all. I just found it interesting that based on how everyone looked, you could tell where everyone lived. I'm a nerd.

Friday, September 6, 2013


It rained last night. It rained hard. I could hear the thunder in the distance. Each thunderous roar told me it was coming.

I love the sound of hard rain. It sounds like a million ants trekking across my window. The staccato pitter patter is soothing. At the same time this type of rain brings back unwanted memories yet brings me back to a time of personal victory.

When my divorce first started it was during spring. We tend to get a lot of rain that time of year. We were in my son's bedroom talking. It had been a hard few years up to that point. We didn't talk much. We didn't even sleep in the same bed most nights. Oddly enough we didn't argue much either. After many years together we simply grew apart. We had 3 kids.

I still remember the scene.  We were in my son's bedroom and I said it, 'I think I want a divorce.' I don't think I was sure at the time that it was what I really wanted. I just knew that we didn't belong together anymore. She wanted a trial separation. I agreed.

The first few weeks were some of the most trying, toughest weeks of my life. I'm a proud father. I love my kids more than life itself. I had to endure days of not having them with me. I remember one particular afternoon I was in the garage of an my house, trying to stay busy. Nothing I did took my mind off how quiet the house was. Finally I reached a breaking point. I simply cried. I don't know how long I sat there and cried but it was a good, hard cry. Not having my kids all the time was breaking me.

After some time I learned to live with it. We settled on a custody schedule. I'd have them for a week. She'd have them for a week. This was the best compromise.

In my off weeks I spent a lot of time reflecting. On Saturdays I would wake up and have breakfast at a little coffee shop nearby. I sat by myself. I wrote a lot. I read a lot.

I dated some here and there. It was interesting. I found out a lot about myself. One woman I dated was absolutely beautiful. She had a son. I found out I have no tolerance for kids with no discipline. That didn't last long. The person I dated the longest was someone from my past. I knew her from high school. I was out one day running errands and ran into a friend from college. She said that her and her friend were talking about me recently. Coincidental timing. I remembered her friend. I didn't know her that well. We had a few classes together but that was it. We exchanged numbers and she said she'd give my number to her friend.

Her friend sent me a text the next day. We went back and forth for a few days and decided to catch a movie. The date was actually pretty good. We hit it off. We had instant chemistry. We decided to go back to my house after the movie. As soon as the front door shut we closed that empty space between two people just before a kiss. We didn't even speak. I took her by her hand and led her to my room. I undressed her and laid her down. It was the first sex I had in months. It was amazing. We seemed to connect physically.

But she had issues. I looked at her issues, trying to figure out how I could help. Then I figured out I had issues of my own. I mean, I knew I had issues. I just didn't know they ran so deep. In the end I decided that I was not fit to be in relationship. It would be doomed. I needed to fix myself. I needed to heal. It was just the divorce. I just wasn't a happy person. I didn't love myself. I spent so much of my life loving other people, helping other people...I never took the time to help and love myself.

I went back to coffee shop and did some more soul searching. For some reason the weather always knew what Saturday I'd be there because it always rained. It's like the rain gave me a rhythm to breathe too. Each breath relaxing me more and more.

Ultimately I found myself. I found a good middle ground for who I am and who I am to others. I haven't been back to that coffee shop in years. I think it's best left as a reminder of those times. I have no business there now.  I'm balanced. I'm whole. I love again. I can only thank the rain.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Weekend wrapup plus a slump

Happy post Labor Day! Had a busy weekend. It was the usual kids, family, running errands type of stuff.

Saturday we spent some time at my mom's house. We all got together to watch the UFC fight and to bbq. Sunday I took my oldest and 3 of his friends to a skate park so they could get some bmx riding in before school started.

The park was about an hour away. Normally when I take them to skate parks I drop them off and come back to get them but since it was kind of far I just stayed there. I kept myself occupied reading for the most part. I did watch them ride a bit here and there when I got out to stretch. It's interested watching them. They could be simply sitting on their bikes and really enjoying it. Just being at the skate park is joy enough for them. I like that. All told, we spent 5 hours there. After they got done I took them out to pizza.

Monday my youngest got invited to another bjj school to prepare for this weekend's tournament. I thought that was cool. My son does not train at this school at all. It's one of the better schools around here. This is his second time getting invited to train there. We met their coaches at a tournament and they were really nice guys. They said they would invite my youngest up to train sometime. Sure enough one day they did. My youngest must have done well enough to warrant a second invite. He did okay. I think the drive may have affected him and the fact that we ate just before he started sparring. He finally picked it up towards the end after a sluggish start. This school has some really high level kids there so the training was great. 

The kids started school this week. It's a mixed blessing. Now they have something to keep them busy but it means less time with them. Most days I work from home and I get to spend time with them. With them gone it's just an empty house.

With Monday being a holiday it's a short work week for me. I'm taking Friday off. No real reason except that I wanted a day off. Actually we were planning on heading to Oregon for a bjj tournament that's supposed to be 2 days long on Friday. That got changed to a 1 day tournament but I kept the day off.

I'm pretty much in a slump. It's all my fault ultimately. I make plans with the wife to exercise and we never get to it. I wait and wait for her to be ready and it never happens. Then I let her laziness drive my own and suddenly it's bed time. I just need to go back to doing my own thing. When I exercise on my own I'm at my best. I'm the only motivation I need.

The other thing that I think is affecting me is working from home. I get less and less motivated. It might be due to me being sick of being at home all the time for work. I know it sounds crazy but I think there's some merit to it. My wife went through it. She was a stay at home mom for about 3 years and finally got tired of it and got a job again. It wasn't as if she wasn't capable of finding a job at the time, she just wanted to try staying at home. Luckily she found one quickly. Having a master's degree kind of helps.

Bitching without any intent on fixing what you're bitching about is...well...bitching. Plain and simple. So here's my plan. I'm going into the office tomorrow. I'm going to vacuum my car tonight. I'm going to go running. We'll see how I feel after I make some changes.

I'll leave you with a video for inspiration.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Long week

It's been a long week. I'm on call for work so that usually means I'm stuck behind a laptop or least always have my laptop at hand just in case I get paged for work. Overall it hasn't been bad but being on call usually keeps me from doing anything of note. I hate going places only to be paged while I'm there. So when I'm on call I just sit and vegetate.

I haven't worked out at all. I've been battling back aches. My back just gets sore from time to time for no real reason at all. When it's bad I feel the pain in my legs, usually my left leg. If there was a such a thing as a back transplant I'd be all over it.

It's just been busy for me this week. I've been trying to get some stuff around the house done and school starts next week for the kids. In between that, work, and transitioning from summer to school I welcome a normal, non busy week. We're doing our last bit of shopping this weekend and we're finally done.

I lied, a non busy week doesn't exist in my life. Even though school starts next week I don't get a break. One son starts football and another is still in bjj. In fact, we're traveling out of state for a bjj tournament the week school starts. Its going to be a huge tournament. It's going to be a good test to see where my youngest is at skill wise. He'll smash his opponents. I'm pretty sure.

This Saturday I'm signing up for bjj myself. It's been a long time coming. I've always loved the sport/martial art. I love the science of it. I see it as a chess match. It's not predicated on strength or size. It's a martial art that's all about technique. I really enjoy the minutiae of it. Little details could mean a loss versus a win. I'm something of bjj nerd. I spend a lot of time watching videos and reading articles on technique. At first I did it for my son. As I got more and more into it I started to realize how much it appeals to me. So now that school shopping is done, bjj is what I'm spending my money on. I'm so looking foward to it.

My plan for this weekend more bjj (doesn't my life seem to revolve around it lately??) and some final shopping for school. Otherwise it's just time to relax.

Pretty shit post huh? Thanks for reading it!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend wrapup

My weightloss is stalled. I've been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks now. It's probably due to the fact that I suck at working out for the most part. My eating was okay last week. We had a lot of family outings so that threw a monkey wrench in my eating. Que sera, sera.

I got some horrible news last week. I found out my Godmother is dying. She's been battling cancer for the last few years. The doctors said she has 6 months to live. Then again they said that same thing 3 years ago. I'll dive into this particular subject more later. Upon hearing the news we did what we always do, get together for dinner and a bbq. For some reason we always look for a time to get together and eat. We're sad? We bbq. We're happy? We bbq. It's a strange juxtaposition of emotions and coping.

Saturday my youngest had a bjj tournament. He killed it once again. I had him bumped up an age group so he could use submissions but unfortunately there was no one in that age group that signed up that was close to his weight. So he competed with kids his own age without the ability to submit his opponent. It was more of a positional sparring match. He dominated both his opponents, giving up zero points. His first match was bumped back. His opponent saw him and started crying right before his match. He remembered my son from a previous tournament in which my son choked him out. He saw my son and immediately decided he didn't want to compete against him. The boy's coach and the ref decided to have him watch my son against another opponent. It probably didn't help because my son dominated him easily. After some coaxing and encouragment the other boy decided he'd give it a go. It wasn't close either but he put up a great fight.

I was kind of torn about it in my own head. Yes these are kids but this is also a tournament. If you sign up there's a good chance that you're going to go against a kid that's pretty damn good if you're not that kid. At the same time, where's your sense of competitive spirit? My son goes hard without much prompting from me. Maybe he inherited that alpha male spirit from me. On the other hand I wonder how much this kid wanted to be here versus how much his dad wanted him to be here?

I spoke with the kid's dad for a bit in between matches and turns out his kid has been training for a little over a year. Perhaps it's a nod to how good my son is that he's only been training 3 months and is this dominant. Perhaps I'm just a proud papa too.

After the tournament we went over to my Godparent's house and had dinner. It was a good time. We were there with about 20 or so people just enjoying each other's company.

Sunday I slept in, getting some much needed rest. We met up with my mom and went to the local farmer's market and did a little shopping. If you have a farmer's market in your area I encourage you to go to it. The deals on fresh fruit and vegetables are unbelievable and your supporting your local farmers. When I purchase most anything, I always try to spend money locally first with the local business and mom and pop shops.

After the farmer's market we all went to eat at Red Robin....yum! We all parted ways and the kids came over to do some school shopping. Thank the Lord that they didn't mind doing it online. Not only did we find great deals, we did from the comfort of our own home minus all the craziness the mall can be this time of year.

Oh and I woke up with a stiff neck on Saturday! That really sucked. You don't realize how often you actually turn your head until your neck is stiff. I'm happy to report that as of this writing it's pretty much back to normal.

My goals from last week:
  • Vacuum car...I know...I know (hahahahahaha! NOPE!)
  • Yoga 3 times (I got in two sessions)
  • Run twice (See the first goal)
I'll just repeat my goals from last week this since I failed miserably. Mixed bag last week but I made the best of it. Enjoy your week.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hump Day Rambings

I did yoga last night! I'm actually pretty proud of myself for that. I'm sore now. Thanks yoga! I think
my body just isn't used to doing yoga. For those that haven't ever tried it before, it's a real workout. I literally sweat while doing it. I'm sure my body fat percentage plays a role in it but it really gets my heart rate up.

The ex is starting to fall off again. She went through a 2 week phase of being there for the kids and their activities but now she's a ghost. Typical. She does this from time to time. She's always physically there but when it comes to helping out with the kids she's not always there. She acts more like the weekend parent. You know that parent that only gets the kids every other weekend and always does fun stuff? That. She's taken the kids to the lake twice in the last few weeks, bought two rabbits, but I don't think she's taken the kids school shopping yet. She was even showing up to practice. Maybe she's trying to impress the new boyfriend, who just so happens to be a nice guy.

The older kids realize it, my youngest not so much...yet. I'm sure he will. You can only be the weekend parent for so long before the kids see it.

I was at the gas station today and the lines were long. There were 2 cashiers. As I'm headed to pay for my drinks another cashier opened up. The cashier did the right thing and offered to help the next guy in the closest line. A guy from another line sees the new cashier and makes a bee line towards her. He tries to jump in front of not only me, but everyone else in front of him and me. So he heads my direction since I'm closer to the new cashier and I immediately step in his path as if to block him. He looks at me like I'm in his way. I say, "Excuse you" to him. He kind of smiles at me. I can be imposing when needed. He knew he was wrong. So he backed up and let the people in front of him go first. You can call me the Cashier Avenger.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend wrapup

So my week got weirder and weirder as it went on. The weekend hit and it got even worse.

To start, I put on a pound. I sort of expected that being that we had a family get together on Sunday. We celebrated my nephew's birthday with tons of food like we usually do. At that point I was just so off kilter that I said, 'Fuck it, eat.'

I got very little exercise in last week. I think I did yoga twice but that's about it. I need to change that. The crazy part is that my calves are so as if I went running a lot last week. I didn't run at all but my calves are still killing me. Not even sure why.

With school coming up we decided to do some school shopping. We're breaking up our shopping into 3 trips so we aren't spending a ton all at once. Having 4 kids to shop for gets pricey, especially since 3 of 4 kids wear adult sized clothing and shoes. It just makes more sense that way.

This trip was shoes. We went to the Nike outlet near us and didn't find anything. My oldest son was looking for a particular pair of Nike's but they didn't have them there. Normally we have pretty good luck finding good shoes at the Nike outlet but it was cleaned out from all the other families with the same idea. From there we headed to the mall.

I was quickly reminded how much I hate the mall this time of year. It's crowded. It's busy. It's picked over. None of which I care for at all. It's not too bad for girls so my daughter has a really good luck finding stuff. For my oldest boy it kind of sucked. He's at an age where he doesn't want to necessarily look like every one else. A lot of the kids wear the same brands here. He wants to wear similar styles but different brands. He wants to be a trendsetter. Shopping online works better for him.  That being said we were at the mall strictly for shoes.

My oldest boy found some shoes. One down. My daughter found a killer deal on boots and ended up getting two pairs. My youngest settled on a pair of Vans, he already has one pair of sneakers for school that we've been saving for 3 years. I found a pair of Nikes 3 years ago at the outlet and bought them for a screaming deal. I've been storing them until the day he fits them. I do that for a lot of sneakers. If I find them cheap I buy them even if they don't fit them knowing they will one day. My youngest has a really nice collection of vintage sneakers thanks to me.

 After we left the store, the girls went into another store. The boys waited outside. We see them coming out and we get up to leave. We get about 10 feet away and my youngest forgot his bag. We go back and it's GONE. Someone swiped it. Of course no on turned it in. Luckily it was only $35 but I was still pissed that my youngest forgot them. He has a tendency to be forgetful. We're working on that.

So we walk the mall looking for kids/teens that have the same bag. I fully understood that we weren't going to find his shoes but I needed to walk off my anger.  The kids stop to use the restroom and I'm standing in the middle of the mall, my eyes scanning everyone's bag as they pass.

Suddenly I see this kid walk by with a girl. I look at him. We make eye contact and my brain fires. I know this kid, but it doesn't immediately register where I know him from. My brain was still angry at my son for losing the shoes we just bought and yet it was calming down because my son is still my baby boy. As you can imaging it was a real conflict.

The familiar kid walks by without a change of expression.

The kids come out of the bathroom and it clicks. That's my long lost, estranged son. I tell my daughter that I think I just saw my son, her brother. She would know because she ran into him at the same mall roughly a year ago and introduced her self.

A little background on this son. I was in my early 20s I dated this girl. Then I met another girl who would become my now ex wife. How ghetto does that sound? I ended up getting the first girl pregnant when I met my ex. I really wanted to be with my ex. So the 'other' woman and I split up while she was pregnant. I told her that I would be there for the baby but I wouldn't date her. She agreed, at the time. As things with the now ex got more serious the other woman got more and more upset. Long story short, I ended up getting a restraining order on her due to an assault and some property damage. The other woman went crazy. I told her that if this kept up I would be gone completely. I left.

Fucked up. I know. At the time it was all that I could think of doing. I wanted to marry the now ex but I didn't want to deal with all the craziness that came with having a kid with the other woman. Hindsight is 20/20 and I should've toughed it out. The now ex and I went on to get married and have 3 kids. We were together for many years before divorcing. The other woman haunted me every day.

I never saw my son. I did find him through various sources. I kept tabs on him from a distance thanks to social networking and the internet. I paid child support all those years but I never actually saw him. He led a good life. He grew up to be a wonderful kid. He played sports and was his school's ASB vice president.

On a whim one day I looked him up. Turns out they moved back to our town after being on the east coast for most of his life. I reached out to him and we started corresponding online. It went well. We had so much in common. He even looks like me, just more handsome. Then one day it stopped. Out of the blue he just stopped talking to me. I can only imagine why. My guess is that his mom, the other woman, found out. I told him that I wanted to keep things above board. If he felt comfortable, tell his mom we talked. I think she flipped out, rightfully so, at us talking and forbade him from talking to me again. His loyalty to his mom is probably the clincher. I can't blame him.

What would I do if my biological father suddenly showed up in my life? I can't answer that because I don't know. (Maybe this was more than a little background but consider yourself informed now!)

Back to the mall...

We decide to head his direction. I decided to approach him. I see him in the distance and make my way towards him. I walk up to him and call his name as I approach. He nods as if to acknowledge what's about to happen. I then ask if we could talk outside. He simply looks at me with a confused face and says, "I can't do this right now." I ask if he was sure he didn't want to talk, he repeats that he can't do it right now and takes off. He didn't so much run as he did walk quickly away. The look on his face broke my heart. He looked as confused as one could be in this situation. The fixer in me wanted to make things right. The other part of me wanted to let him go to process all that happened in that 10 second encounter. Imagine 18 years of anger, guilt, and questions all rolled into 10 seconds. That's what it probably felt like. I'm sorry that he had to go through that. I silently apologized to him.

On the plus side I did manage to forget my youngest losing his brand new shoes.

I don't know how I feel about things. Part of me wants to just say fuck it, I tried. It makes me want to close that part of my life down permanently. The other part of me keeps hope alive.

My weekend.

Goals for this week:
  • Vacuum car...I know...I know
  • Yoga 3 times
  • Run twice

Friday, August 16, 2013

Weird week

It's been a weird week for me. I can't really explain why.  It just has been. It doesn't help that I'm on call for work either. Maybe I'll talk through it and figure it out.

Part of it may be that my schedule has been off kilter a bit. As much as I like flying by the seat of my pants, at the same time I'm a creature of habit. I know it sounds so conflicting. If you read back a few posts I mention that I was once tested at 51% right brained and 49% left brained. My habits are the perfect manifestation of that. My need for spontaneity and structure embody it.

The weather has changed here. We've gone from steady 80*-90* days to damp, dark days. Typical weather for us. That probably has a lot to do with it too. When I was in college we had a row of special desks that simulated sun for California kids in the library. The theory was students from California came here and would get depressed at the damp weather. The desk would give them a dose of sunlight to keep them from getting depressed. I'm not saying I'm depressed, I'm too pragmatic for that. I'm probably just feeling the effects of the change in weather. It's kind like an old man with a bum knee. When it gets cold he feels the effects of the weather in his bum knee. I guess that means I have a bum brain?

Free time, I've had more of it than usual this week. We didn't have practice of any sort for 2 days this week. I'm used to running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to get the kids to their practices. Having a few hours of my day back has me out of sorts me thinks.

The good thing about all of this is it doesn't take me long to figure things out. I just haven't taken the time to process the week. Once I take the time, it all feels better. I go back to being grounded. A nice run speeds up the process too.  So tonight that's the plan. Run around with the kids and come home for some 'me' time. I'll put throw on my running shoes and leave me troubles trailing behind me.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend wrapup

Amazing week last week! I lost 3lbs just by eating right! My exercise was so-so but I ate fairly clean. I even managed to go to a bbq on Saturday and Sunday. Because I ate clean during the week I was able to indulge a little bit.

Saturday I went to my a bbq for my newborn niece. It was a small bbq by our standards. They only invited a few families, ones they were close to. Included in those families were people we knew from past years of football and wrestling. I was listening to the conversation and found out that two of the families were walking away from their houses. They were so upside down that they just stopped making payments and were willing to get foreclosed on. It was pretty sad.

One of the dads from the other families is also one of our wrestling coaches. It was his idea to get my youngest in to bjj.  He told us that ever since he started coaching him he knew that bjj would be a perfect fit. I told him that my son was getting promoted on Monday and he was so excited! He said he was so happy that he could help my son find something he was passionate about. I swear he was about to tear up. This coach used to compete in bjj, no-gi to be exact. He's always been the one coach to really teach my youngest. On a team of 100+ kids it's hard to get personal attention. He went out of his way to really coach my son. For that I'm thankful. My son is getting promoted on Monday to yellow belt. He's that good! He asked if he could come to the promotion, of course I said yes. He said he's going to be so proud.

Saturday I also spent some time ferrying my oldest boy around to various skate parks. I didn't mind at all.  I was just glad my oldest found something he loves. He loves to ride BMX. He loves going to skate parks to practice new tricks. I probably logged a good 100 miles on Saturday just driving him around. It's my job as a father to help keep that passion alive.

Sunday we went to one of the biggest bjj academies in our state. They had a bbq and open mat. My youngest wanted to see how he fared against some of their students. He kicked ass. These kids have been training at least a year. My son has been training for less than 3 months. He only got beat once out of about 10 matches. I was proud of him.

Overall it was a great week despite my lack of I'll pick that up again this week. Wait, I did get in 2 runs and one yoga workout. In fact during one run I was witness to a high speed car chase. I was lumbering along the road, because that's how I run...I lumber. I don't have a graceful gait. I lumber. As I get my lumber on this car speeds past me going at least 80 followed by 3 police cars. Kind of cool. Hopefully no one got hurt.

I probably should set some goals this week.
  • Yoga M/W/F
  • Run twice this week
  • Vacuum car (the bane of my existence)
There you have it. My week(end) in words.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back on track

I did it. I got back on track last night. I came home from practice and made time to exercise. I started my yoga program. Holy crap it kicked my ass.

For those that have never done yoga or don't know much about it, it's a great workout. The beauty of it is that you get a full body workout with no impact on the joints. For an old guy like me it's perfect. Having done yoga before I know the benefits. I hurt my back some years ago. It was a fluke accident. I was sitting on a stool and went to get up and...BAM. My back went out. I was literally stuck in that position for a short while. I was hunched over as if I dropped something on the floor and was trying to pick it up. From that day on my back has never been the same. I go through bouts of stiffness and pain from time to time. On a bad day I can't move. Most of the time it's just a consistent ache that will shoot down my left leg into my calf. Before yoga the only thing that helped my back was massage therapy. Once I discovered yoga I was sold. My back never felt better. I did yoga for a short while at my gym but that fell to the way side after I fell out of love with weight lifting. Part of my routine was to lift weights one day and do yoga on my off days.

I'm not going to sit here and say I don't have time to go to the gym, it's open 24 hours. I just don't feel the passion anymore. The love is lost. I'm thinking about trying crossfit in lieu of conventional weight lifting. I have no desire to be big or bulky. I just want to be fit again. Crossfit may be what I'm looking for.

Switching gears.

I hate when people sell my kids short. I work hard to raise my kids to be independent thinkers. An example, when we go out to eat my kids decide what they want and when it's time to order they order their own food. I see parents order for their kids all the time. It's not wrong. It's just not the way I do it. My reason for this is that it teaches my kids to make decisions. It also gives them the opportunity to try new things and explore. I hate when we get a waiter that takes our orders then look at me for the kids' orders. I always tell them to ask the kids for their orders.

So last night we were at bjj practice. Specifically we were at the competition team practice. My son is the youngest one there, in fact many times he's the only kid there. He's that serious about his jiu jitsu. He loves it that much. I felt like the adults talked down to my son. They kind of set him aside and didn't teach him much technique. One adult said, 'Hopefully next time someone your size will be here to practice with you.' The way she said it came off so smug. I'm thinking to myself, 'Roll with him. He's not your average kid on the mat. Do you realize you're talking to one of the best grapplers in the state?' Seriously, he is one of the best grapplers in state.

Give him a chance. See that he's not your average kid on the mat. He wouldn't be here if he wasn't capable. Don't judge him on his size. Judge him on his heart. After all, isn't that the premise of bjj, a martial art predicated on the smaller man being able to take on a bigger man?

Back to today. I have a full plate of things to get done. I'm trying to ride this wave of motivation. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weekend wrapup (late edition)

I'm a little late on this. I know.  Despite my love for all things slackerish, I had a good week. I didn't get in a single work out at all though. So let's just get last week's goals out of the way.

  • Go into the office 2 days (nope, not even close)
  • Exercise 4 days (nope, not even close)
  • Vaccuum my car [(this one haunts me) it's still haunting me]
That being said, I still lost 2lbs! Take that spare tire that engulfs my midsection. I'm officially down 8lbs since I started tracking everything closer. Thank you eating clean. I'm not sure that enough people realize that eating clean is like 90% of losing weight. The saying goes, 'You can't out train a bad diet.' I'm living proof that eating healthy is enough to lose weight.

It was an interesting week. We celebrated my dad's 10 year anniversary of his passing. It was an emotional day for me. I can't help but be cry when I think about him.

I keep saying I'm going to start this yoga program, but I never get around to starting it. Tonight's the night. I need to start crossing some things out on my to do list. This being one of them.

I'm sure I have more to say, I'm just not feeling very wordy right now. I'm kind of in a 'blah' type of mood. I think it has a lot to do with not exercising at all last week and it's carrying over to this week. I need the endorphin rush. I know I said it was a good week, it just wasn't as good as I could have made it. I need to stop wasting my days.

So I'm making it a point to be more productive for the rest of the week. It's not how many times you fall that counts, it's how many times you get back up. Stay tuned.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

With a heavy heart

I cried today. I'm crying now. Tears literally are streaming down my face. It's hard to breathe. Today marks the 10 year anniversary of my father's passing. I wish I could say my father and I were super close, but I can't honestly say that.

I was quite the rebellious teen growing up.  I was bent on learning things the hard way. I lived and died on my mistakes. My father being the wise man he was, let me. It sounds counter intuitive doesn't it? After all, the job of a parent is to guide and teach isn't it? I think my father learned early on that the best way to guide me was with a soft touch and light hand. He gave me the freedom to be me while steering me only when I was seriously in any danger of blowing way off course.

My father was a serious golfer. He spent every possible weekend on the links. He wanted so badly for me to be a golfer but I never took to it. I would only start golfing later in life but that was more of a way to hang out with buddies and an expensive excuse to drink beer. Growing up I was more into the traditional sports; football, baseball, and basketball. Not ever seeing my father play and youthful machismo led me to believe that I was better than he was at all of the above. Not the case. One day while shooting hoops in the driveway my father pulls up after work. He stops and chats with my best friend and me then asks if we wanted to play a game of 21. The game is basically an everyone against everyone game, first player to 21 wins. Of course we said yes. My father then proceeds to hit shots from all over the court. He hits jumpers, layups, and even the old school hook shot. I was stunned. Never would I ever imagine my father being not only way better than us, he was way better than I gave him credit for.

Another time we were traveling and had a layover in an airport. I don't really remember which. To kill time we decided to explore the airport. We stumbled upon a game room that had video games and a pool table. My father asked if we wanted to play a game. I said yes, again thinking I could beat him. He racks and I crack. I made a shot on the break but missed my next shot. It was my father's turn. Holy Paul Newman. My dad ran the table. I seriously got hustled the Color of Money style. I never got another shot.

I got into a bit of trouble growing up. My father always told me, 'If you ever get picked up by the police I'm going to ask you one question. Did you do it? I expect an honest answer. If you did it, do your time. If you didn't, I'll come get you.' Sure enough I got picked up by the police one day. I stole a pair of shoes from a store. We had this store downtown that had all their shoes on a rack, no boxes. One day my friend and I decided that it would be simple to just walk in with old shoes and walk out with new ones straight off the rack. It was simple up until we walked out and a security guard chased us down. We got caught and were hauled off to the police station. Being minors we had to call our parents. I begged the police office not to call my dad and of course he did. True to his word, when we spoke he asked me the question. I told him the truth and he asked to speak to the officer. From the sounds of it he asked what the consequences where. The officer told him I would spend the weekend in jail, see the judge on Monday, and go from there. My father told the officer that he wouldn't pick me up. I had to suffer the consequences. I ended up spending 5 days total in juvenile detention and paying restitution. My buddy on the other hand made his call and his dad came to get him. Years later I'm an adult that's never been in trouble again. I have a wonderful job and a wonderful life. My friend? He's spent almost 90% of his post high school life locked up for everything from drugs to theft and even a home invasion charge. As much as I hated being left there by father, I love it in hindsight. I learned about consequences.

My father was a man of strong opinions. He had this booming voice. The two are just a couple of things that made him a great leader. My father was the head of various community groups during his life. His leadership style may not have always been popular but it was always in the best interest of the groups and his strong will overcame a lot of people's inability to see further than the tip of their noses. He had this great ability to not only see the forest for the trees but to see each and every tree and their potential. I call it seeing all the angles. He was a great thinker in that way. He pushed a lot of boundaries that resulted in great things. I see a lot of that in me. I see where I get this need to explore, feel, and touch just for the experience and learning opportunity.

My father was a very loving and caring man. He would do anything for you. You didn't even have to ask. If he saw you in need he would give before you could even ask. I'd like to think that there's some of that in me. I try to help people when I can. I try to help people even when I can't.

I know I started out this post saying my father and I weren't as close as I'd like, but looking at it maybe we were and I just didn't realize it. Maybe the years have taught me that I really did value our relationship I was just too close to see it. I know this now.  I still talk to my dad, even if it's in my head. I still ask questions and look for guidance knowing that his hand will be just as light and soft in guiding me. I miss him everyday. It's hard to not tear up when I think about him.

So it's with a heavy heart that I write this post. I love you dad.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I go through bouts of motivation and being flat out lazy. When I'm motivated I'm a world beater. When I'm not motivated...I'm a just a lump on a log. How do I combat this? I look for inspiration.

For fitness I search for people who have lost lots of weight from exercise and a change of eating habits. I love reading success stories. I love seeing before and after pictures. The pictures might be the most motivating thing for me. This leads me to reading people's stories. I really enjoy following their journeys. I like reading about their successes and what they did to overcome their failures. If you've ever read anything I've written you'll know that I don't believe in failures. I see failures as an opportunity to learn. Failures are lessons in disguise.

When I have these seemingly great ideas in my head I read about other people that have taken abstract ideas and made them reality. Mostly this pertains to business ideas or brand ideas. Sidenote: at one point I was the owner of a locally successful clothing brand. I even managed to ship product across the world in a few cases.  I closed shop on it because it became too much of a job and the fun was gone. That and my partner flat out sucked. I did all the work. But from that experience I learned a lot. I learned that I need a strong right hand man and someone that truly buys into the vision. In fact, I'm tossing around a couple of new brand ideas as we speak.  On these possible ventures I'd be more of the business point of contact and brand manager. The other person I'm talking with would be in charge of marketing.  My mind is always working and thinking about different ideas. I can't help it.

The other place I look for inspiration and motivation is from within. In fact it's the first place I look. I just have this notion in my head that no one has a stronger will to succeed than me. If you say I can't do it, I will...just to prove to you that I can. It's the stubbornness that drives me.  I challenge myself mentally everyday. I play little games in my head. Like when I'm running, I'll pick a spot down the road and challenge myself to all out sprint to that spot instead of jog. As I get to that spot I'll go just a little further as if to show myself that I can do it. By being my own worst critic, I'm my biggest motivator at the same time.

Rounding this all out is goal setting. I like setting goals. I set weekly goals and at time daily goals. My current goal is to lose 40 pounds by December 31st. On that day I'll sign up for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (bjj) classes. I've always wanted to to learn bjj. I love everything about the sport. I love all the little, subtle techniques. I love that it's a sport for the smaller man to take on the bigger man. I love the philosophy and history of it. If I reach my goal earlier than my target date I'll sign up for classes sooner. I will meet this goal. I will crush it.

I try hard to pass on these ideas to my kids too. Before any game, tournament, season we talk about the goals they have for that particular time. Usually we set 2 goals, one for the team and one individual goal if it applies. You'd be surprised at how this pushes them to want more and work harder.

Find your inspiration.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekend wrapup

Semi-good weekend this past one. Not a whole lot going on activity wise. On Saturday I went and visited my aunt who I hadn't seen in a while. The family all met up there for a bbq. Good times and good food.

Unfortunately I got really sick later that night. I'm not sure what it was, perhaps I over ate. I ended up spending a good chunk of the night praying to the porcelin gods. I couldn't sleep at all. I was restless. I finally fell asleep around 5am on Sunday morning but I woke up sore from all the vomiting. Fun!

Exercise wise I had a good week. No weight lifting at all but plenty of running and some walking got mixed in too. I was glad to weigh myself this morning and find out that I didn't put on any weight after over eating all weekend. I stayed the exact same weight. Whew!

Last week's goals were:
  • Exercise 4 times this week (running or weight lifting) - Done!
  • Vaccuum my car (Lord knows it needs it) - Lord help me with this one
  • Finish fixing remaining computers - Done!
I think I have an excuse for not vacuuming my car....I was busy doing car maintance on the other vehicle. I did the rear brakes on the SUV. There, that's my excuse.

This week's goals are:
  • Go into the office 2 days
  • Exercise 4 days 
  • Vaccuum my car (this one haunts me)
This week I'm starting yoga. When I did it in the past it was super helpful for my back. My back felt so good after a good hour of yoga. So I downloaded a yoga program and I'm starting it this week with the wife. Part of this week will also be dedicated to getting a meal plan down. We're going to start out planning our meals for a week at a time. It's not only a timesaver it's also to help us make better food choices. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

...and there you have it. My weekend in words.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The little Asian lady

As hard as I struggle against conformity, I am very much a creature of habit when it comes to some things. I think I have a mild case of ADD with a side of OCD. If not, I'm just straight up crazy.

One thing I'm particular about is who makes my sandwiches at the cafeteria at work. Today there was a substitute sandwich maker. I like my normal sandwich maker. I like the little Asian lady who so deftly creates culinary masterpieces that I consume. She builds each sandwich with love and care. They taste oh so good.

The lady today? She was a noob. She slapped my sandwich together haphazardly. She didn't even sprinkle it with any love. It was merely a sandwich. She didn't put enough mayo, too much lettuce, and it wasn't cut completely. The little Asian lady was there but she was stationed elsewhere. I saw her and saw the noob and shed a little tear. I imagine it looked a lot like a that scene from Shane but instead I'm saying, "Little Asian lady, come back!"

As if to prove the sandwich making prowess of the little Asian lady, one person saw her jump behind the sandwich station and asked her to make a sandwich. The little Asian lady told the person that the noob was there and she could make it. The other person exclaimed, 'No, I want YOU to make it.' I should have followed suit. Instead I sat there quietly wanting to give the noob a chance. Maybe she was a sandwich artist just waiting to be discovered.

She wasn't...

I ate the sandwich anyway. It sucked. The noob sandwich maker will not be getting my business again.

Weekend wrapup

Awesome weekend despite it trying to get the best of me. I completed all of my workouts, with a twist. For some reason I've been running more than I've been lifting. So I ran a few extra times last week. That's fine with me. I listen to my body and it tells me what to do. My body didn't want to lift last week. My body wanted to run. The goal is not necessarily to lift a certain amount of days, the goal is actually being fit. In that sense I accomplished my fitness goals. I think I should change that in my weekly goals.

Saturday was a blast. We went to watch local mixed martial arts (mma). Some guys from my son's bjj gym were fighting so we went to support the team. The fights were excellent. The level of competition was beyond what I expected. I thought we'd see some sloppy fights but a good majority of the fighters were highly skilled. Our guys went 2-1. We were there mostly to support my son's wrestling coach at the gym. He absolutely killed it. He won in the first round by rear naked choke. He took no damage at all. It's beautiful watching a skilled grappler win a fight.

On the way home our car died. Ironically we sent our last payment off the same day. I think the bank knew our car was paid off and hit some sort of kill switch so we could start thinking about a new car. After the fight on the way home I noticed the dash lights dimming. Then I saw the battery gauge slowly drop. I was hoping that we could get home before it died since we were only a few miles from there at that point. Just in case, I had my wife call my nephew to let him know we might need him. He was the closest one to us and could get there quickly. Sure enough it died. He came out and got us home. I grabbed the battery from my truck and put in her car so I could get it home.

On Sunday I swapped out the bad alternator and while I was getting greasy I changed the serpentine belt, neither of which I've done before. Thank you youtube. Feeling manly, I washed her car and cleaned out the inside. I'm was trying to do my man thing.

Later Sunday night my brother and his girlfriend came over for dinner. We hung out, had good food and good conversation.

I almost forgot to mention...I'm now down 6lbs as of today! My hardwork is paying off!! The great part about my weight loss is that I've done it my way. I found a groove that suits me. In a nutshell, I'm eating when I'm hungry. Sounds simple doesn't it? It's really not that simple. We're trained that in the morning we eat breakfast. Around noon we eat lunch. When we get home we eat dinner. Why? Because that's what we've always done. We eat on a schedule. What I'm doing is eating when the mood strikes me. I might not eat breakfast some days. Other days I'll skip lunch. This philosophy has really worked for me. I'm not hungry, I don't gorge myself when I do eat.

Overall it was a great weekend. This week is going to be just as good. On to the goals for the week:
  • Exercise 4 times this week (running or weight lifting)
  • Vaccuum my car (Lord knows it needs it)
  • Finish fixing remaining computers
I'll leave you with this quote..
"The best way out is always through."

-Robert Frost


Friday, July 19, 2013

Things I am not

I'm a lot of things, at least I like to think so. But there are many things I am not.
It's not a bad thing, I just realize my limitations or shortcomings better than most. I use those terms loosely though. I truly believe I don't have any limitations.  Any such limitations are simply barriers that are self imposed.

I think our minds are capable of great things. Ironically it's that same thing that also limits us. Mental barriers are simply that, all in our head. Once you put your mind to something you can do it. You have to truly put your mind to it though.

All that aside, here are the things that I am not (by choice).

I'm not patient with adults. I have high expectations for people and when they don't meet those expectations it's hard for me to understand. Often times I skip thoughts and leaves gaps when I communicate. I expect adults to keep up and fill in the blanks, especially when I think they are self explanatory. In other words, keep up.

I'm not a fan of awkward conversation. People tend to over talk. If you choose your words carefully, surprisingly, conversation can be very concise and a lot can be communicated in short manner. I'm very much a fan of observation at the same time. I find that a lot can be gleaned from simply watching people. Body language is very expressive.

I'm not very passive. My personality can be very aggressive at times.
I'm not aggressive in a violent way, I'm aggressive in a more focused way. I have a problem I fix it and move on. I will work at that problem until I solve it. I've stayed up for days working on something because I refused to give up, even in lieu of sleep. When push comes to shove, I push harder.

I'm not always motivated. It's true. I'm not. I have the science of slackery down to an art form. I know exactly how much work I need to do to get something done. It makes sense to me that I have fun and do just enough to get the job done. Under promise, over deliver is my motto.

I don't like to color within the lines. What I mean is I don't like rules and I don't like structure for the most part. I fly by the seat of my pants a lot and it suits me just fine. I don't need to plan ahead much. I find it helps when things don't go as planned. I'm able to to adjust on the fly without thinking.

I'm not a morning person. Never been. Never will be. I'm most productive at night.

I'm sure there are other things that I'm not but the above stand out. In reading what I wrote I sure sound like a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Sheldon Cooper. I kind of like that.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Late weekend wrapup

I'm late on this. I know, BUT I had a killer weekend. Let's get last week's goals out of the way.

  • Lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (modified but done!)
  • Run Tuesday, Thursday, and possibly a third day (done!)
I not only got all my workouts in, I even did my cardio. One night I did a 4 miler. My feet were sore after though. I ate clean all week too and even managed to lose 2lbs since last week. I'm well on my way.

Saturday I watched my first Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (bjj) tournament and it was amazing. I took my son with me because he was competing for the first time and I wanted him to get a feel for it. I come from a wrestling background so I assumed it would be the same. Boy was I wrong. Yes it was the same in terms of tournament background but it was so different other ways. People cheer but they cheer quietly. Coaches coach but they coach quietly. There's not a lot of yelling like a wrestling tournament.

People are also way friendlier. I was having conversations with complete strangers and actually enjoying it. LOL. Generally I avoid conversation because it usually amounts to mindless small talk. Not Saturday. It was good, friendly conversation.

Sunday my youngest son competed. HE KILLED IT. Not only did he not give up any points, he won the gold medal for his bracket. Not bad for a nerdy kid that's never competed in bjj before.

Not really much to say today. So I'll post the goals for this week.

  • Run twice
  • Workout 3 time
  • Finish fixing computers  
I think that about covers it. Until next time.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Change of course

I started writing about my life and its current state but didn't really feel like writing about once I got into it. I fear I may be focusing too much on issues and not enough on more positive or even fun things. So I decided to write a 'stream of consciousness' type of post.

I went running last night. I decided to go despite the fact that it was super late, 10:30pm, and my back was still a bit sore. Was it a good run? It wasn't the best run but it was good to get out and enjoy the good weather we've been having.

I have a new boss at work. My old boss pretty much got shoved out. I'm not sure on the details but it felt like they just told her she would be replaced and she didn't have a place in the company. She actually cried when she told us the news. I feel bad for her. She was a decent boss. While I didn't like how we always got roped into stuff out of scope for our job, she left me alone. I can appreciate being left alone at work. With this boss I can work from home almost any time. It really allows me to be flexible. I'm not sure how it's going to work with the new boss though. I guess I'll wait and see. I do know one thing, I don't want to change jobs and I don't want to move up. I'm comfortable where I'm at. I don't want that to change.

So this post is now spanning two days. I'm not sure if it's because I don't have much to write about or if it's because I'm in a good place. Hopefully it's the latter. I'm starting to become centered again. I can't say enough how important it is to me to be centered.

Here's why, my mind races a million miles a minute. I'm always thinking. Thoughts bombard my brain. This happens so much that I've gone to keeping track of these thoughts in notes and a task list on my phone. There's some science to it. When I was in 6th grade I was tested for the 'gifted' class. It's a class that identifies supposed intelligent kids and tries to keep them stimulated with special classes and projects. Part of the test was an IQ test. I scored 149 on it. I believe that's near genius level. After testing I was put in the gifted class with other gifted kids. For 2 days a week we worked on stuff that was higher level than what other kids were working on. We did special projects and went on field trips.

Do I believe I'm a genius or near one? No. I think most geniuses have a particular talent. I have no particular talent. I can't play an instrument nor can I paint. Do I think I'm smart? Yes. I have a great ability to dissect problems and solve them. I'm not speaking of just tangible problems, I do really well at solving abstract problems as well. Maybe that's my talent?

Here's my problem with the genius tag and IQ tests, it doesn't really measure intelligence in different forms. When I was tested I sat next to a kid named Mikey while in regular classes. If there ever was a genius, he was it. He didn't do so well with academics but that kid was a regular Picasso. He would spend his class time drawing and sculpting. His sculptures were made of glue. He would spread glue on his desk and wait until it was partially dry and still pliable. He would then scoop the glue up and sculpt it into animals. One day he took the glue and created a whale, shark, and fish. No joke. He was that good. Another time I remember having a project where we had to draw a town. Mikey took it to a whole different level. He took the paper we were supposed to draw on and created a 3D town complete with buildings and cars. Now that's genius. I think about him from time to time wondering if he's some famous artist. Better yet, I hope he's still creating masterpieces.

Here's another interesting fact about my brain. I was also tested to see if I was more analytical or more creative, classic left vs right brain. My score was 51% left brain, 49% right brain.  I was neither more analytical nor creative dominant yet both for the most part.

There you have it, my being scattered brained as explained by science. This is why writing is so important to me. I need some outlet for these thoughts. It's not always interesting. A lot of times it's mental vomit on the internet. I've been writing in some form since high school. I've written everything from songs, poetry, to blogging over the years. I find I'm always at my best when I write. I also find when I'm at my worse, I turn to writing.

Thanks for letting me vomit.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life is a highway

...and I want to ride it all night long. Well not really but it feels like I'm always on the road at least. It probably sounds like I complain about never having enough time and how life gets in the way of me accomplishing a lot of my goals. It's partly true. I do waste a lot of time doing lord knows what. I'm working on that part.

The part I can't control is being a busy dad. Case in point, I took my son to bjj practice last night after work and got a text on my way. My daughter said she thinks she has a UTI and needs to go to the doctor. I told her that I'd meet her at urgent care after practice. We ended up at urgent care for almost 4 hours. That doesn't sound very urgent does it? So from 4-10 yesterday I was at bjj practice and at urgent care with my son and daughter. Oh the life of a dad.

Needless to say my grand plans on working out went out the window. By the time I got home I was tired and hungry. Did I mention that I also puked yesterday? Yup I sure did. It has been that kind day(s) lately.  But let's focus on more positive things. I don't really like nor do I believe in dwelling on most anything. I like to learn from my mistakes or obstacles and move on.

My back is feeling a lot better today. I did blow out my back some years ago and it the pain comes back from time to time. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't move. This go around it was a solid aching. I could still move but I won't be dancing any time soon. The positive in all of the above? I think I know one trigger, stress. I'm going to watch it the next time it happens to see if my hypothesis holds true. I'm going to test my back tonight with a short run. As much as I probably should take time off, I've realistically taken the last few years off so I have to keep it moving.

Oh I did weigh myself on Monday. I try to keep my weighs in to a weekly event. My weight fluctuates so much from day to day that my true weight is up in the air until Monday morning.  The positive to my weigh in? I weigh exactly what I did a week ago. I did not lose weight but I did not gain either despite my best efforts to gain. The copious amounts of alcohol and bbq food did no damage over the holiday weekend! Yay for eating clean 4 out of 7 days of the week!!

All in all things are getting better. I just have to keep moving forward. That's all I can do.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend Wrapup - irritated

We'll get the goals portion of this post done first.

  • Lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - I lifted 2 times
  • Run Tuesday, Thursday, and possibly a third day - I ran once
  • Vacuum and wash my car - I fixed the headliner
  • Get the backyard done - completed!
I forgot to factor in that it was a holiday week last week. Needless to say it threw me off a little bit. Now on to my being irritated.

The latter half of the week just had me all kinds of irritated. I hate when people get me involved in their projects and I end up doing more or I get asked to do the impossible. The wife wanted to throw a baby shower for my cousin's wife at our house. That's fine. I'm all for it. But she wanted to make these invitations by hand. Uh-oh. Just because I work with computers doesn't mean that I know everything about them. I'm not a graphics artist.

She had this grand idea of what it should look like and actually did the base graphic. Then she wanted me to tweak it. I tweaked it but I knew that wasn't the end of it. She wanted to print the invitations 4 to a sheet with no borders and so that the graphic stretched to the edge of the paper. Well it's not that simple. You're original graphic has to be scalable so that if fits perfectly. Hers wasn't. It could be stretched but not without skewing. Basically if you want something to fit in four squares it has to be a square to start or it will skew. Even that part if fine. I did my best. What irked me is that I asked her to go lift with me. She asked if we could fix the graphic first.

Here's where my problem starts. We spent almost 3 hours trying to get it right. It doesn't help that she couldn't communicate what she wanted in clear manner. I can try and do most things on a computer, but only when I know what someone wants done. If you can't tell me, I can't do it. After 3 hours we got it right but by then we missed the workout window. It was late. I was tired. I was irritated.

Then she decided she wanted to go look at cars. I know she wants a new one. Her car kills us on gas every week. She did some research and found a few dealers that had the car she wanted, an Infinity. We get to the first lot and it was there. The salesman did his job and tried to sell us the car. That's what they do. He put the pressure on to get a deal done that day. I backed him off so we could talk. I asked if she was ready to buy today. She said no. She said she wasn't ready to buy today. She said she didn't know that they were going to try to sell her a car today. WHAT?? That's what they do at a dealer. They sell cars. If you walk into a dealer with financing in place (which we have) they will try to sell you a car. That's like going to a gas station, putting the nozzle into your tank, pulling the trigger, then being surprised that gas is coming out. That's what you're there for.

Next point of irritation. As I was driving to the dealer her son asked me a question. (A little background, I've raised her son who I consider my son, for most of his life.) I answered the question and asked him to google it to verify if I was right. A few minutes pass and he's just sitting there. I asked if he was going to do it. He said he didn't want to use up his data. WHAT?? You can play games all day and not worry about data? You can surf on your phone all day and not worry about data? Just admit it. You were too lazy to look it up. You didn't want to do it.

We've had ongoing problems with him listening to me or her even. It's gotten better over the last few years but of all the kids, we have problems with him the most. My kids listen. I'm not just saying that because they're my kids. They really do listen. I don't have to tell them twice. They do what they're told, no questions asked. Him? He'll do it eventually but he complains the whole time while doing it. Rarely does he ever do it when first asked without griping. 

I took his phone and told him since he's so worried about data let's just not be on the phone at all. That's a sure way to save on data. I told him to not ask me for anything from here on out. What he fails to realize is that I'm on his side. I pull for him more than anybody. He got his haircut on Friday and hated it. He was literally in tears. He wanted his hair short like he always gets it. But the wife just had it trimmed so that it was still long. When they got home he was crying and went straight to his room. He hated it that much. What do I do? I convince the wife that he needed his hair re-cut the way that it always is. We jumped in the car within an hour of him coming home and I drive all the way back to our barber and have it fixed. Let's not forget all the times I tote him around to his practices and games. Let's not forget that I I just took him to football camp last week when I should have been in the office working. He doesn't get it. I'm tired of trying to convince him.

All this irritation has affected me. It really threw me off. My back started to hurt. I think from the stress. I need to do a better job on managing stress. It's Monday now, a new week. I have to get a better handle on things.

Until I get it right, I need to keep repeating my goals.

  • Lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Run Tuesday, Thursday, and possibly a third day
How do I feel today? I feel a little better but still not centered. I'm working on it.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I had this discussion yesterday about my divorce. It's very unlike most divorces. It was amicable. In fact, we didn't even have any lawyers. We did this all ourselves and divided up what little assets we had 50-50.

What freaks people out is that we get along to
this day. Don't get me wrong, we have our moments but by and large we work well together. I would venture to say that we get along better now than we did when we were married. Go figure.

So why did we get divorced? The love was lost. We got together at a very young age and got married. We started a family shortly thereafter. At first things were great but as we got older we changed fundamentally as people. Neither for the worse. We just weren't the same people we were when we first got married.

That caused real issues. I spent a good year sleeping on the couch because it was quieter, less arguing.  She saw her life going one direction and I saw mine going another. At no point did those paths intersect.  We tried for a solid two years to keep it together for the kids but in the end we were hurting them more by staying together. So one day I asked for a divorce. At first she wanted to work things out but I was steadfast. In the end she agreed that divorce was the best option.

Through the divorce we've found ourselves. We found what truly makes us happy and people that add to that happiness. The man she's with now is a pretty good guy. He and I talk when we see each other. When we're all at games we all sit together. My wife now and my ex get along too. There are some things about my ex that she doesn't understand but it's minor.

When you fall out of love there's no going back. I don't believe that you can recapture it. I truly believe either you love someone or you don't. There's no in between.

Now that I'm older and hopefully wiser I see that. One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that you can't love anyone or receive love until you love yourself. I think that's why I see so many people looking but never finding. How else will you know when you find it if you don't know what love is in the first place?

These days I'm in a good place. My wife is an amazing woman. She doesn't put up with my bullshit but knows when to use a soft hand in things. It's a delicate balance.

My divorce ended up being the best decision I could have ever made. It's part of my makeup. Its' part of what makes me who I am today.